
Why don't my headlights work?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought a 1991 Geo Metro. The headlights do not turn on when you push the button to turn them on. On the dim/bright switch, if you pull and hold the lever back towards you all the way the headlights come on reguardless of the headlight on/off button. All of the other lights work fine. Please help. Thanks.




  1. Check the headlight relay.

  2. the on/off switch or the headlight dimmer switch is bad.. my guess would be the dimmer switch... 300-400.00 to fix....

    if you push forward on the dimmer switch and lights come on...check to make sure the low-beam bulbs aren't burned out....

  3. get it checked

  4. one of two things a blown fuse or a faulty headlight switch  

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