
Why don't my in laws want me to divorce their son?

by  |  earlier

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My husband recently went crazy, decided he never loved me, goes to bars, lives with his mom, became an Atheist (which are all out of character for him). He doesn't want me back either. Anyway.. I was scheduled to go down to the courthouse today to file for divorce. I am sick of his trash and the marriage is going nowhere, have been separated since May 31. Anyways... They are downright beligerent when I talk about divorce and are talking me out of it. We have a 15 month old son together. My mother in law wants to meet private with me this afternoon, which is out of character for her because she is usually always busy. And requested I come alone. I don't get it. My husband and I still do see each other, but of course not for us for our son.




  1. They're hoping you take him back so he leaves THEIR house.

    Ignore them, he's their problem now. Proceed with the divorce, and tell his family to get him to a shrink.

  2. They prob. are just as freaked out by the way he is acting and thinks that the two of you should work through it.  I'm sure they are thinking of your son as well and how a premanent divorce would effect him.  You are prob. the best thing that's happened to him and they do want you give up on their son.  That's what I think anyways.  Good luck!

  3. there is more to the situation than you know and she wants to discuss this with you.  His behavior although out of character doesn't just happen without something and his mother knows something is up.  Before you do anything rash at least see what she has to say and go from there.

  4. maybe she knows something you dont know about her son

  5. File for the divorce.

    The only 2 people who know what goes into the marriage are you and him. It's between you.

    That being said, you do have a child. But this is 2008 and you guys can surely work out custodial issues.

    You need to get out of this dangerous relationship if he has gone crazy.

    He will never change.

    You only get one shot at life and you need to be happy and safe.

    If he's living on the edge, then you need to protect yourself and your child. There's no telling what he's out doing, moral-free.

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