
Why don't my new airstones work for an extended period of time?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought them today and put them in. They work for a minute then get slower and slower and stop. Am I doing something wrong?




  1. do you have an air pump to power them

  2. you may need to soak them in some water before hand then try to plug them up I had the same problem with my air stones when I first got them try doing that then see what happens.

  3. This might be a stupid question- but do you have an air-compressor?

    If not- what is happening is they are releasing the air bubbles they have trapped inside, and have nothing to put more air through them.

    What size is your compressor?  How many air-stones do you have on your air-compressor?  

    Each air stone you add cuts the air reaching the stone in 1/2; this can result in weak flow.  

    How far is the compressor from the air stone?

    Shorten the distance- might help.  This also applies to how much extra air hose you have between the compressor and the stone.  If you have a lot of extra hose- shorten it and save the extra for future use if it’s not too short.

    Does your compressor have an airflow switch?

    If yes -check to be sure the airflow is up high enough.

    Are there kinks in the hose that might be cutting off the air hose?

    De-kink it.

    If none of these work take them back to the store you got them from and exchange them.

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