
Why don't my parent's listen to me?

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I am 15 and my mum and dad blame everything on me! My dad calls me names relating to my weight like chubb and stuff like that, I'M NOT EVEN FAT but he makes me feel fat and i ask him to stop it and he just laughs. My mum won't ever listen to me! I lost something and she started shouting at me and she wouldn't let me explain! My brother and sister (both younger) get away with everything! Can someone help me please!




  1. Sounds your parents don't realize that what they're doing hurts.  If you are a christian then pray to God.  If your not fat maybe he means it playfully.  My father does everything playfully.  He could go, "Ohhh Jackalina your belly's full of jelly!" But he laughs afterward and he always says, "Just kidding Silly"

    You should write a letter and leave it in their bedroom, telling them how you feel.  If they call you a baby for doing so then tell yourself your not, because your strong.  If your up to it talk to them face to face.  Tell them to the extreme on how this is affecting you.

    Your parents may be under a mass amount of stress, and don't have time to think about what they're doing to you.  Roll with it if all else fails, just know they still love you no matter what and this will pass soon.  Just don't grow up a messed up person. My dad had a father who drank alot, who beat them.  And he turned out wonderful!

  2. Is one of your parents an alcoholic?

    A common side effect of alcoholism is scapegoating other people for no apparent reason.

    It helps to seek a professional counselor about it.

  3. I would like to say everything the girl above me said.

    but with a *hug* for you for having to put up with that.  Stay strong!

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