I am the younger sibling here. My brother is far older then me and is seventeen years old. He never wants to go anywhere with us, so because of that we end up doing nothing. My summer vacation is over on Wednesday, and the only times I got to do something fun was with a friend. We've done nothing all summer. They always do what he wants. I'm sick of it. I can't stand him! He's like afraid to be in public with our family or something! If we were going to go somewhere, but he decided he doesn't want to do that, we end up doing nothing! No, me, my mom, and dad don't just go, we stay home! He's such a baby. I should be the one pulling this stuff, not him. The second I say, 'Well, why don't we just go?' he starts screaming swears at me and I get in trouble for 'not helping the situation'. I know I'm my Dad's favorite, but everyone (including me at times) just succumbs to whatever he wants. Examples that have happened:
Example 1: My brother wants Taco Bell for lunch (As most teenagers, his diet consists of mainly junk food.), but my mom says no. He throws a fit (Which seriously scare me at times. He swears, says rude things to me and my mother, and just acts like a total baby.), and then eventually my mom goes and gets him something. I mean, I don't get anything, I just have a sandwich for lunch. I don't complain.
Example 2: My brother is always saying, "*insert my name here* You're such a brat! I can't stand you! Your attitude is disgusting!" Usually, I'll laugh hysterically and say, "My attitude? You're the one having a hissy-fit whenever you don't get what you want! AND YOU'RE SIX YEARS OLDER THEN ME!" He'll start swearing, and eventually I'll tell him to "Shut up, you might hurt yourself. You moronic git.." (Yes, I use the word 'git'.) I then get in trouble by mother and am told to go out of the room and stop talking to him. Or, I get sent to my room for a good thirty minutes or so.
It's just not fair. How can I get my parents to lay down the line to him?