
Why don't my teeth get white?

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I brush, then floss, then gargle..brush, floss, gargle. Then add the strips and mouth wash. 6 times a day. I don't have money for that air brush stuff that the actors use..




  1. It sounds like you have really healthy teeth.  If you take care of them that much, I bet they look great.  Listen, you don't want teeth that are unnaturally bright.  People will definitely notice and wonder if you're some kind of metrosexual freak or something.

  2. 6 times a day is doing more harm than good.

    how old are you? nobody cares if your teeth aren't perfect.  

  3. everybody's different

    it's probably just the texture of your teeth

    but you can start trying to use

    a whitening toothpaste

    it slowly whitens your teeth

  4. Laser or professional grade whitening treatments are of much stronger concentration than over the counter products such as the white strips. The strips work but not to the performance of the professional treatments.

    Also, a lot of folks are getting veneers which are porcelain tooth covers that are bright white and do not change colors.

    Continue using the strips along with baking soda to keep your teeth as white as possible until you can afford to have them professionally whitened.

  5. I'm not sure where I heard this but I heard if you work on your teeth so much they get stressed and the enamel breaks down or something like that so just stick to the suggested three times a day after every meal

  6. Maybe you are trying too hard.  Cool it.  See what happens when you follow the directions on the box.  Try different brands of things.  Maybe a whitening toothpaste, a whitening mouthwash, and using the strips or goo or whatever you choose as directed.  Going overboard can hurt your teeth to the point of not being able to eat hot and cold things at the same meal and having to use a straw for any cold beverage.  I didn't go nuts with whitening products but I have all of those symptoms from sensitive teeth.  I don't wish it on anyone.  Also you can go to the dentist and just ask next time you have a appt.  Good luck, and don't keep killing the enamal on your teeth.  

  7. Gesh, you brush your teeth 6 times a day?  You're going to strip away all of the enamel!  

    How white do you want them?

    Try avoiding foods that stain your teeth like tea, coffee, chocolate...

    Also don't brush your teeth after you've had acidy type food like pop, orange juice... it will only harm your teeth.  

  8. cut down on the coffee soda chocolate and should be sweet!

    its all very well doing all those things (which are great for your teeth btw) but you might be doing it in vain if you don't cut down on staining beverages.

  9. 6 times a day god ur mouth must be sore

    your ruining ur mouth and gums

  10. ok you need crest whitestrips i get compliments on my teeth all the time it makes them really white and the results are supposed to last for a year but for me they last even longer.You are going to spend about 25-35 dollars but it is really worth it!

  11. Foods and drinks you eat can stain your teeth, your already doing the best thing possible for your teeth. As far as getting them whiter, insted of regular mouth wash, rinse or swish Hydrogen peroxide. Not only does it kill germs and prevent deisese, it will whiten teeth, and YES its proven, give it a try, I guarantee it'll help SOME!

    And remember, allot of the actors and actresses in glamor mags have their teeth digitally whitened so they look better...

  12. ur trying wayyyy to hard

  13. i have the same problemm...

    its frustrating..


  14. i wouldn't recommend doing that so often.

    you'll damage the enamel on your teeth.

    perhaps you should give it more time.

    also, there could be some foreign object prohibiting your teeth from whitening. do you drink coffee? do you smoke? maybe there's something in the water?

  15. eat some honey and warshmellows at the same time i did that for like a week once a day and my teeth have gotten significantly whiter!

  16. Genetics. some people are capable of having whiter teeth than others

  17. Ask your dentist and they toothpaste not be the best type and the white strips

  18. Don't let the people in magazines get you down. They aren't even real. And don't use strips... they eat the enamel off.. prob why your teeth are more susceptible to stains.

  19. maybe you just neeed to blech them at the mall or dentist

  20. possibly stained from juice or smoking or sumthing with a bold colour u are putitng in your mouth?

    maybe you have realllly bad plauque build up,. maybe its from the coffee,. maybe you should see the dentist and ask them.

    or come down here and let me smack the yellow off your teeth for ya...

    jk jk

  21. Have you heard of Zoom whitening? I don't know how much dentist charge in your area but we do it at our clinic and it takes about an hour prep + curing to accomplish paperwhite teeth!!

    By the way, natural teeth are never white! Brushing, flossing and gargling won't change the enamel of your teeth. It just prevents it from getting worse. You're doing a great job keepin up the hygiene maintenance though. Avoid smoking, tetracycline, coffee, tea, dark sodas, and water with too much flouride.

  22. hahah,, you are so dumb, people in mags get their photos paint shopped and people edit their teeth to be extremely wite

  23. maybe its because of the things you eat or drink like soda and coffee and tea

  24. ok reli............6 times a day ur gonna have such sensitive teeth lol umm go see your dentist and only brush 2 times a day one in the morning and at night  because u will mess ur teeth up but also floos one time a day and mouth wash every time you brush :) but most inportantly see your dentist u may have a infection or tiny hole thats letting a infection in :)  

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