
Why don't other animals have such varied facial expressions like humans do?

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animal faces don't really express themselves like human faces do, you kind of have to take in their whole body language and voices to know what they're talking about, but with people you can sometimes figure it out just by looking at their face how come?




  1. humans have a lot  more emotions and we show it more often

  2. Because we use a far more sophisticated language to communicate than animals do. So our words, our hand gestures, our body language, and our facial expressions are all a component of language, and are therefore far more complex than those same behaviors in animals. In addition, humans have the most diversity of appearance of any species.  I'm not talking race, here, I mean just the potential variations from person to person.

  3. Phenotype! We are the most recent and varied link in the chain of evolution. That's why we are the most complicated as far as Phenotype goes.

  4. Compared to other species, the primates have very complicated muscles systems in the face and scalp.  This is what allows such a wide variety of facial expressions to be employed during personal communication.  Humans have, perhaps, the widest range of all.

    Recent studies have developed the Facial Action Coding System to help determine emotional expressions in humans.  Objective physical methods are currently under development.

  5. If you look harder you will see all these expressions in the animals too!

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