Seriously, i just found out how easy it is.. We got done eating dinner, watching a movie.
The wife ran down to the basement, took clothes out of the dryer and came up started folding them, ran in to the kitchen to prepare her lunch for work tomorrow. Then went back to the living room to finish with the clothes.
I walked out into the kitchen, saw a sink full of dishes. Thought to myself well heck she's gotta get up for work in 6 hrs, she'll never get enough sleep if she tries to get these dishes done. So i put the stopper in the sink, started running water and added the dishsoap. Once the sink was full, i started washing dishes.
Next thing i know my wife walks up behind me and starts molesting me and removing my clothing right where i stood.
Now i'm thinking, tomorrow I'll try running the vacuum cleaner.
Think i'ts a good plan ladies?