
Why don't other men seem to realize how simple it is to turn on their wives?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, i just found out how easy it is.. We got done eating dinner, watching a movie.

The wife ran down to the basement, took clothes out of the dryer and came up started folding them, ran in to the kitchen to prepare her lunch for work tomorrow. Then went back to the living room to finish with the clothes.

I walked out into the kitchen, saw a sink full of dishes. Thought to myself well heck she's gotta get up for work in 6 hrs, she'll never get enough sleep if she tries to get these dishes done. So i put the stopper in the sink, started running water and added the dishsoap. Once the sink was full, i started washing dishes.

Next thing i know my wife walks up behind me and starts molesting me and removing my clothing right where i stood.

Now i'm thinking, tomorrow I'll try running the vacuum cleaner.

Think i'ts a good plan ladies?




  1. cuz were selfish

  2. the dishes did not turn her on, nor does a vacuum...

    don't you see that it's you she wanted regardless of all the work you do around the house.

  3. that worked that time did it work the next time?  probably not.  if it was that easy we would all be perfect happy couples,  just live on you will learn

  4. That is awesome! Keep it up. We women notice when our men are taking care of us and, obviously, you will be rewarded! Good job and I hope you enjoy a very happy marriage!

  5. Wow, good for you! Hey, have a few kids and see what type of spontaneity you get then!

    Sure, run the vacuum!

  6. your a  good man for appreciating her sexual desire:)

  7. I say spice it up-- try the vacuum, mop the floors, dust, iron, cook dinner. Women like variety. And if you really want a night to remember, clean the bathroom!

  8. I do everything wash dishes cook dinner, vacuum the house clean the bathroom, wake her up with a cup of tea in bed every morning but my wife is stil not turned on to be intimate with are there any ladies out there that would be interested in a guy like me  

  9. basically you just had a gender role-reversal.

    you're the woman and she's the man that wants to spank your cute little ***. make sure you wear a s**y little apron next time for your "man" to enjoy.

  10. You get it. My husband gets it. I'm sure other men out there get it.  

  11. Geez - I  do all  kinds of chores and don't get this -? I think having a couple of kids running around the house does not help either :-) .

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