
Why don't our government catch on to people who misuse welfare??

by  |  earlier

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My husband daughter is having her 3rd child and she stopped working (she had a good job making $17 hr but chose not to get insurance through her job) right when she stopped working she hurried and applies for access and welfare so the goverment can pay for her child birth and all other medical expenses. She has a boyfriend who now works and support her. She get hundred of dollars worth of food stamps and buys other people food and trades that for cash. What I don't understand why the goverment pays for people like this to just stop working right before the baby due so they can get goverment help and not have to pay for the medical bills. Why don't our goverment catch on to this and investigate more on why the girl stopped working???




  1. Oh, they know.  They surely know that the system is abused my millions, probably even most of the people on welfare.  But the government can't do anything about it because you'd have groups protesting about human rights and human welfare, etc, etc.  That is why we can't pass any law about welfare reforms because you have the bleeding hearts saying "it's not the child's fault, don't penalize them".  So we have a culture of American people living on government subsidies and hand outs because they are too lazy to work and take responsibility for themselves.  These are probably the same people complaining about illegals in this country who are here to do the hard work for their families.

  2. Because they don't have the manpower to investigate any case, unless they have 'probably cause' to believe there is fraud going on.  If she qualifies on paper, they really have no choice but to believe that she qualifies.

    In most places, you can call the local welfare fraud department, and make a report on her anonymously.  It might take a while for them to get to it, though, as they have huge case loads.

  3. you do realize that YOU could turn her in.. YOU could call and tell them all this...

  4. You can-  vote for the candidates the are more likely to end governmental loop holes in social programs.   That is what I am going to do.

    I do feel your pain.  My sister has four kids and they have a timeshare,  and all the gadgets you could wish for.  Yet somehow her family (her husband is a minister and she is a SAHM) somehow qualify for the free lunch program.  I am sure she gets other benefits from the state but this is the only one that I am fully aware of.  It stinks.  I pay taxes (clearly some of my tax money goes to her) and all my bills, yet I can't afford to go on vacation, but she can.

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