
Why don't parents take responsibility for their childrens obesity?

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pop quiz. whos fault is childhood obesity? McDonald's, Playstation or the parents. Yes yes i know its hard to believe but McDonalds is not force feeding your children and Playstation is not restraining your children to the sofa. Try this one: make your kid go outside. Im about to be a father and I take responsibilty for my kids health and well being. it just bothers me that some parents dont seem to be able to be parents.




  1. I think parents that enable their children's weight gain don't really "run the show" ....the children do. They get what they want with all of the whining. The parents don't want to hear it so they shove a pop tart in their mouth or whatever else their stomach desires. These obese children sit infront of the tv and eat. Thats just how they do anymore. They don't want to go outside and be with friends either. They want to rock the guitar hero and watch hannah montana...or whatever. I think that the parents need to step up to the plate and set an example for their children. Lets get em :)

  2. They dont take responsibility for it because more than likely they are obese themselves and cant take responsibility for that either!

  3. lol nice question..

    but what if your child is hungry, and just ate alot? your going to leave him/her hungry? some kids are just fat because there metabolism must digest there food very slowly. some kids are just fat because they are lazy kids, who watch disney channel all day, and munch on cookies and chips, they do this because there parents are probably busy with work or another child, so they turn to food / tv to make them selves happy. : )

    feed your child vegggiesss!

  4. I know i was like 20 pounds overwieght my mom got pissed of and made me run so now im healthy

    I mean how could parents let there own kids look like bouncing balls i swear

    I have gone through that

    I hate it when parents say your beautiful like you are

    Hello my mom told me the truth if you dont lose weight your gonna die early and I could have diabedes

    my mom opened my eyes

    hello its not about looking how the media wants you its about being healthy

    Im glad my mom told me that if she didnt Id be as big as a Whale

    Thanks Mom

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