
Why don't parents talk to their children anymore?

by Guest63720  |  earlier

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I mean specific conversations about important life altering subjects.. Such as s*x, DRUGS, and ALCOHOL.... Better yet who are these parents that lie to their children and deny any knowledge or experience? Fabulous way to educate them. Who well be teaching to them? The boy who tells her "if you love me you well give me what I want"? or the boy is talked into doing what an older boy wants him to do? The neighborhood girl that has been with football team? As parents, you should be able to talk open and honstly to your children. Express the reality of life.....Good and Bad!

I have a 15 yr old daughter and started talking with her at the age of 9. I explained to things to her just as they are, no subsatute words or lies that "not me" did any of that. Honesty is the best thing I ever did for her...and me!

Today I have a CLEAN decent and respectable young lady that is more interested in sports and school than the curiousity of s*x, drugs and alcohol.




  1. Good luck on her staying that way. Don't sprain your arm patting yourself on the back.

    To answer your question, most parents are too embarrassed to tell all to their children. Too much knowledge can come back to bite you.

    I leveled with my girls and they turned out fine. I left it to my husband to share with our son, which he didn't, and our son turned out fine, too. No guarantees either way.

  2. First of all, it's wrong to assume that ALL parents in general don't talk to their kids; some of us still do. But I know what you mean, there are quite a few kids growing up these days with 'electronic nannies' (i.e., T.V., computer, video games, etc.) and parents who work a vicious schedule just tend to let it happen that way. Perhaps they intend to talk to their kids, but "today was just so hectic, we'll have our little talk tomorrow." Or they wait for the "right time". Unfortunately, many times when the subject presents itself, it's because the kid has already wandered down the wrong path.

  3. I think embarassment, or shame of letting their kids down because of their past mistakes.. or even time. I see alot of parents too wrapped up in their own worlds to realize what is going on in their son or daughters lives. I think that if alot of parents were more like yourself, we would of been having a better generation.

  4. simple new parenting called the internet. everything you got to know about everything lol

  5. me and my mom have a realy close relationship.

    usually the girls i know that don't talk to their parents

    are S****y and have s*x at young ages.

    things are changing alot.

    but i thank you for being a good parent and talking to your teen.

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