
Why don't people acknowledge each other?

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i'm talking about a simple "hello" to someone you see on a regular basis (work, school, etc.) & you don't know or barely know, & they just either don't even look at you, or they stare right at you & do nothing. let's assume these people know nothing about you to judge you for. I'm not in high school, but remember this happening often enough in middle & high school, & of course, it never ends after high school. I'm just curious why some people can't be civil & respond to a nice gesture. Discuss.




  1. im really sure..this still happens in my school(im 16) im just really friendly and i just smile or say hi to someone even if i dont know them. sometimes i get a friendly respomse or other times people just ignore me. i dont mind it, i think its just that people can't be bothered and they have other things to do. i could be wrong, so im not too sure.

  2. Some people are just bitter.......Bitter people hate themselves so they dislike others. Myself I say hello to anyone. Sometimes I think I'm too friendly. Another thing some people are shy and you have pull a hello out of them. Be the better person and say hello.

  3. I dont know!! I've been trying to figure this out myself! I am shy, but I am still very friendly and make an effort to say good morning, have a good night, hello, etc to everyone I see at work but noooo apparently its just too hard to  say hello. >_*

  4. Excellent observation.  A friend of mine and I went to a sea side resort a long time ago.  We are southern and we say "Hi," we smile, and we acknowledge people without even thinking about it.  The people there were unfriendly, unreceptive and just not warm or happy looking.  It ticked us off so much that we started forcing people to acknowledge us by asserting a really chipper GOOD MORNING along with a toothy smile.  It's as if they were put out to reciprocate.  People want to be where other people are, but they don't want to actually connect or interact with the company of people who surround them.  

    Some people are possibly "stuck up" (pardon the sophmoric vernacular); some lack social skills; some are unbelievably unaware of those around them (very few); some don't want to be bothered, as if people were like grass or the sky - inhuman.

    Some people are simply selfish.  You never know when your one quick moment of eye contact, coupled with a silent nod and little smile make make somebody's whole day.  But we don't care to make that effort.  It's sad.  

    So the owness is on us to do what we know is right - to be true to ourselves, and ultimately to force the b******s to be nice whether they want to or not!! just kidding, but it is up to us to treat others like we want to be treated.  Some people may be too bogged down with something and they just need some space - whatever the reason, it's an area where lots of people could use some overhauling.  

  5. I've lived in cultures where greetings are required and lengthy. "How are you?" "I'm fine, and you?" "Fine, and your family?" "Great, and yours?" "Praise be, and is everything all right with you?" "It is, and is everyone well at your house?" You get the idea.  And then, of course, I've lived in the US, where everyone is in too much of hurry to acknowledge others, or they are feeling isolated in their little two foot square territory and do not feel connected to anyone who passes.

    What I do is offer a greeting because I want to, not because I expect a response. To people I pass and whose eye I happen to catch but may actually know, I say, "Good morning." or whatever is appropriate. To those students I know, I offer something more personal.  "How  are your classes going?", "Keeping up with your studies?".  For adults whom I know, I try to use his or her name and and ask how things are going or something more personal.  

    I've found that after a while, even the people I don't know, but whom I see regularly begin to respond. Why?  Because he or she begins to feel as though they know me, because I have extended a greeting when we pass.  

  6. cuz they are mean. i see you live in texas (me 2!) and in college station when visiting one of my sisters on campus EVERYONE says howdy to complete strangers. i love it.  but this summer i spent about a week in Georgia and the people there are sooooo unfriendly. like if you say howdy or hi or whatever they may not respond.  it is rather rude.  i guess people are just too busy and stuck-up to care to take the time.  some people, on the other hand were just not raised to say hi often which is poor manners.  

    i agree, people should be more friendly!! ☺

  7. I find it annoying when I'm at work, and say hi to a customer, and they say nothing. I agree people should.

  8. I think it depends. I work in a small satalite office for a large corporation. The people in our office don't work in the same departments so there is not a lot of interaction and we are all pretty busy. I will say good morning to each person the first time I see them each day but often will walk by them several more times on the way to the fax or copier and not say a word. I dont *not* like the others, I just don't work closely enough with them to have something to say each of the 1/2 dozen or so times I see them and it gets redundant saying "hi" every time I see someone. We are too busy for an actual conversation so we pass by and go about our day.

    I don't feel that I'm being rude or uncivil, I'm just not going out of my way to come up with something to say to someone I barely know.  

  9. That has always puzzled me but I must admit  there have been many times when I have wanted to say hello but just did not.  Too shy I guess.

    I remember a conference I attended.  The speaker had all of us stand up and say hello and greet everyone around us.  It drove me nuts!  Now, I have no problem with it.

    Many people are not outgoing.   Just look what happens when you get onto an elevator.  Notice where people are looking.  As soon as you get on some start looking at the floor, at the ceiling, at their belly buttons or somewhere else.  Anywhere except making eye contact with you.  Or if they do make eye contact they immediately turn away as soon as you look at them.  This is because most people are self- conscious.

    As far as a simple hello at work or at school from people who are familiar with you it is odd.  But there are many reasons.  They may be insecure.  They may have something else on their mind.  They may be in a bad mood.  They may not really like you.  They may have their mouths full of food.  They may be waiting for you to say hello first. They may be afraid you are going to engage them in conversation and they have not got time.  Who knows.  What gets me is when I say hello and they say nothing as if they are in lah lah land.   Who knows why people do what they do.

    But the important thing is just remember you cannot own their behavior.  Just continue being you.  If they do not say hello, do not let this stop you from saying hello to them.  That way you will not be judging them.

  10. If someone stares at you and you have extended them a sincere hello, either they are deaf or think low of you. Never say hello to that person again. I generally don't say hello first because I am not about to make my day bad because someone refused to acknowledge me. Then again, alot of people have different things on their mind and do not really have it in them to start small talk or play nice friend.  

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