
Why don't people actively support Americas' current war the way previous wars were supported.?

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I know there will always be people who are against a particular war, but this war even the supporters don't seem too actively supportive.




  1. America is becoming a nation of whiners and complainers. And the mass media reports only one side of things.

  2. We have so much more freedom then we did in the times of previous wars. (ww1 & ww2)

    People can easily voice their opinion without having to worry about being "out casted"

    Back in those days people had to be force in to a box of the all American idealistics, which really was more of a coffin for outside thinkers.

    And really now people have the option to be caught up in so much other irrelevant b.s.

    More options, more freedom now.

    No one wants to be held responsible for protecting/supporting a country if they don't have to.

  3. There seem to be a large group of people who wish to see America fail.  Too many freedoms and individual RIGHTS.  They are funded by wealthy people like George Soros, a billionaire, who was kicked out of England for attempting to destabilize their currency.  And his traitorous org 'Move On' , as well as Hollywood money, the same that supported pro Russian Communists in the 60's.   They all still have the same unspoken agenda of destroying the American constitution that guarantees freedoms to its citizens.  The Environmentalists are an integral part of this mob also.  

    The Dems in their primaries NEVER mentioned or referred to 'terrorists' as a national 'problem'  in one series,  where the Republicans referred to TERRORISTS 22 times.  Are the Dems on the pay of George Soros?

  4. I support this war as whole heartedly, as I did the viet nam war.

  5. Probably a coincidence, but the last war this country fought that was supported by Hollywood and the intellectual elite was WWII.  Oddly, the Soviet Union and the U.S were on the same side in that one.  Go figure.

  6. I am really looking forward to Mark Millar's six issue comic series "War Heroes" for a take on this question.  (Millar is a comic writing dynamo:  Wanted, Ultimates, Civil War, the Unfunnies).

  7. it's all the wrong reasons for this war thats why 911 was the reason when this war started and now 5 6 years later we are way off we never found who were looking for in the fist place it's a big mess

  8. We aren't in a traditional war, so we don't have traditional reactions. Counterinsurgency operations have always been unpopular both with the general public and with the military. The media coverage has actually been quite mild compared to some during the Philippine insurrection or the little "banana wars."

  9. It is for a few reasons.

    1. Unclear objectives. Things aren't as simple as before. Small term goals are clear, but no clear overall picture of "why".

    2. Operations are under the scrutiny of everyone. Wars arent judged by military advisors but by opinions of citizens. Whether educated or not.

    3. The war hasn't touched home. Yes, everyone might know a friend of a friend in Iraq. However it's unlike other wars where draftees were used. When everyone is gone, it is imperative to get everyone back! Alive!

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