
Why don't people believe in ghosts.?

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Okay this is not a relgious bash just makes sense. Why won't people believe in ghosts which that can't see; but there is tons of proof that they exist. However, on the other hand they believe in "GOD" who they can't see. Me there is no question I believe in God. Now, since God doesn't walk the earth wouldnt' he be considered a ghost in a sense or a HOLY SPIRIT?




  1. what some people see, may be the lie that Jesus warns us of

  2. People believe only that which they want to believe and only that which their minds can handle. If forced to accept that which they don't want to believe they would go insane or continue to deny it. Take atheists they don't want to believe in God, therefore you cannot prove that God exists to them. But lets say the God does exist and he/she/it makes it conclusively possible to prove his/her/its existence. Now you take this conclusive prove to the atheist and one of two things will happen, the atheist's world will collapse and he/she will go insane, or in an effort to hold on to their sanity they will deny the truth. A third option is possible only if the atheist is willing to accept the truth and adapt accordingly.

  3. A lot of people don't believe in ghosts, because they believe in God.  And God supposedly judges everyone, and sends them to h**l or heaven.  That way there are no ghosts.

    People who believe in science don't usually believe in ghosts because there isn't a way to explain it to make it valid.

    Personally, I do believe in ghosts, but I don't like to refer to them by that term because it has a negative meaning.

  4. This is true.  I think it is because they are scared of them and the bible does not explain them.  A lot of religious people think anything that is not mentioned in the bible does not exist.

  5. Ghosts do not exist and there is absolutely no proof that they do.  The same can be said for God or gods.

  6. if everything is energy when does the bubble burst with the human spirit?

    i believe if there's a million ways to live then there's a million ways to die , if there's a million ways to die then there's a million ways to be dead....

    be it  a ghost,angel,guide,reincarnated, limbo or maybe even existing in another  universe or hey even heaven or h**l.

    no ones shown any proof to be right...or have they.....

    if the sun,the brightest thing in the universe can last billions and billions of years than why can't the strongest part of being human..the spirit last for just as all i can say is be kind to your spirit and others it could just well be that you have  "it" for a long time, be true and don't get stuck on one feeling it just may trap you later.

    yes the people on this earth are strange most of the time what else would god be , what about jesus....did he take his body? truly? did he need it where he was going?? energy people, i tell you so much more than meets the eye..........

  7. There are some things in life that were not meant to be fully understood through the mortal's ability to comprehend. I assume that most of humanity doesn't know what to believe.

    It may be the way a non-believer was brought up to take on such an area, in fact they might believe in the possibilities of paranormal activity, but voluntarily reject the idea when their religion or perspective mixes in with something they don't understand. The reaction of society might seem like a death wish if word ever got out to the public. I believe that no one really belives or doesn't believe in ghosts, unless influenced by something of greater perspective than themselves. Even then the sureness of their beleifs may waver. To establish such a decision with all honesty may take a lifetime to possess. But that's why risks are taken. If one sits around all the time debating the condition of the circumstance, nothing is solved and only more mysteries are produced, worsening ones state of confusion. So to answer the question in a conclusion of my theory, a mouth may take on a totally different position than the mind itself, there seems to be no other way of fully knowing.

  8. they don't beleive in ghosts simply because the modern technology explained every phenomenon.

    at the past, when there wan't technology, people used to beleive in ghosts.

  9. I don't understand this's a question I've been asking for years!  I do see/sense/feel ghosts (or spirits) and have been able to all my life.  I didn't WANT to believe in them, I HAD to believe in them!  Perhaps the thought of another realm of life is too much for them to handle...?  It would be very sad indeed if our souls only lived as long as our physical bodies...what would be the point?  Not to mention the fact that we have been told that the spirit is eternal.  So why wouldn't it manifest after the physical body has been shed?

  10. Ghosts exist only in ones mind. Your mind can show you what you want to to see. We have often underestimated it. Show me where there are some ghosts. I want to have a chat with them.

  11. Ok here goes (I am going to sit back and wait for the outbursts)......

    When on investigation one of the first questions I ask is what religion the person is and as of yet I am to come across a catholic! Now I am not saying that Catholics do not believe in the paranormal just that of yet I have to investigate for someone of that faith.....i have met with people of various religions and i have found that their beliefs in their gods  does not reflect their belief in ghosts

    For a documentary I had to interview a catholic priest and found him a wonderful person that through his own experiences did believe in ghosts but he did add that the church does not like to admit to their existence? I found this puzzling as the Catholic Church is one of the few religions that actual allows exorcism.....surely a "demon" comes under the realms of the paranormal??

    I was also informed that the Catholic Church had changed from father son and Holy Ghost when they say the holy trinity to father son and Holy Spirit as the term "ghost" scared the children.

    I think the reason that people won’t admit to their belief in the paranormal is that they are afraid of being called nuts by others and also once we can actually prove the existence of the paranormal it will no longer be categorized as unknown and some people just like things to remain a mystery.

    myself I do not believe in god even though I come from a deeply religious background ....I follow the wiccan path ....but everyone needs something to believe in .....And whatever god or religion you follow if it comfort in time of need then I say good

    Now you say you believe in god then you should know that he is a higher deity and gods do not walk the earth rather they sit on high and survey us so I don’t think we can really class him as a ghost.

  12. People have a hard time believing in just about anything, that they can't feel, touch, or see. If it is intangible it doesn't exist for them.  Unless a person actually has an experience with an entity it's hard to accept them.

  13. I believe in ghosts and so do a lot of my friends.

    Only because of the things we've personally expierenced.

    If you've had a God expierence than you should believe in Him too as a Holy Spirit.

    A lot of people only believe that "Seeing is Believing", Others only have faith in what they believe to be true.

    Everyone's different, as it should be. It'd be pretty boring if we were all the same.

  14. see my name is jeswin and i think u dont belive in god yes god is there and in the heaven which i belive and i too belive humans have spirit after deaththey r called ghost and people dont belive them as they dont know whats it is and what r they and they dont even look the proof

    even though mine is not the best answer pls consider it

  15. A lot of people are very 'locked' into only perceiving things from a low and dense vibrational frequency (the physical plane) and therefore are in denial about anything that exists on other dimensions -- that which exists and operates on higher frequencies.  It is like looking through a key-hole and thinking you've seen everything!

    As a natural medium, I've always been able to see and perceive entities and things that exist on other dimensions and it's really a matter of 'tuning' our sight and awareness to 'see' into these other dimensions.  In fact, we do this a lot as children ... but it's conditioned out of us, sad to say, as we grow older and we lose this perception that is a very natural part of our being -- all of us!

    There are multiple dimensions -- all operating at different frequencies.  Many people have been brainwashed into thinking or believing that the physical plane is all that is 'real'.  In fact, nothing could be further from the truth!  It is the physical plane that is actually nothing but a hologram (but that's another topic!) and it is by tuning our awarness into other frequencies ... that we can perceive the presence of other beings, etc....

    God does 'walk this earth', but not in human form -- and never has done.  God, Source, All that Is, the Light -- whatever you want to call it -- is all round us and at all times, but 'visible' only when we're tuned in to these higher frequencies of divine love.  As one who's had multiple near-death experiences (NDEs), I've seen and felt that Light and unconditional love that surrounded me whilst on the Other Side and it left me completely free of fear!  So it is possible to see and feel that Light -- even without being on the threshold of death!  Just allow yourself to relax into your higher awareness and reclaim that natural part of you that was so perceptive as a child, that is divine in essence -- that part of you that sees ... and knows.  It is there ... and that is where you tap into the voice of your soul.

    Everything is energy.  Energy cannot die; it is only altered or rearranged, as it were.  If you think of a radio, every station's got its own unique frequency.  Some frequencies are so high that we cannot 'hear', 'see' or perceive them unless we know how to 'move the radio dial' and tune to a higher or different frequency.  Just because we're not tuned to a certain frequency or 'station', that doesn't mean that it isn't broadcasting or that it doesn't exist.

    Unfortunately, a lot of people are still so locked in fear ... that they refuse to allow their awareness to expand or to perceive and experience things beyond what they can control or manipulate on the physical plane.  Also, it takes a lot of responsibility to be aware.  We can't just 'sit around and do nothing', once we become aware of something, and we must act according to our heightened awareness.  A lot of people still follow the notion that 'ignorance is bliss'.  I'm sorry, but I beg to differ...

    Those of us who are NDErs are sent back to testify that life is indeed eternal, but we merely shift into a higher frequency of existance when we transition and leave our bodies behind -- much like removing an old garment that we no longer need.  But we still exist!  We've merely discarded a heavy 'earth suit' that we no longer require, once we transition, and that's all.

    We, ourselves, are multi-dimensional beings and are operating on different dimensions simultaneously!  There are many, many resources of information available that will validate this statement.

    Ideally, through all of our work, more and more people will come to realise and understand that life exists on other realms -- dimensions and frequencies -- and that it's a matter of being more perceptive and aware ... and more centred in love instead of fear. Moving into love and not allowing ourselves to be ruled and dominated by fear ... will enable us to see these beings that are all round us and that merely operate on a different frequency.  If you allow yourself to 'tune in' you'll see and hear a great deal!

    Speaking of 'tuning in', I host a weekly radio programme centred on these topics.  The programme is entitled, 'Toward The Light' every Sunday at 10P GMT.  For more information, visit where you'll also find a wealth of information and resources centred on all of the above and more!

    I hope this helps. :)

  16. Let's get this straight:

    99% of people believe that ghosts in all their forms, permutations & combinations do exist and are scared of them.

    Try this simple test: Ask a person who's not scared of a spook, to go to a graveyard at midnight on a full-moon or new-moon day and see their reactions. They'll find some excuse or the other not to go. If they believed that ghosts dont exist...they would surely be fearless and prove so.

    And there are 1 % people in this world who are absolutely devoid of any human feeling such as love, hate, fear etc...who can claim they dont believe in ghosts. But they dont believe in anything.

  17. They don't exist.

  18. well, isnt this just the queston of the year???

    well, the basic reason is, because when you were little, and you heard, or saw something you didnt understand, or were scared of, didnt your parents tell you that it wasnt real?  like,  "theres no monster under your bed.  monsters arent real"  or "theres no such things as ghosts, its just your imagination".  they said this, because thats what their parents taught them, (they also wanted their kid to stop crying and go back to sleep, so theyll say anything) dont you always believe what your parents say when youre little?  hey! i once babysat a little boy who was deathly afraid of snakes, so his parents told him they didnt exist!  that didnt work out so well...

    another reason is maybe their religion says that ghost dont exist.  maybe it says that the spirits of the dead go somewhere else, like heaven, instead of lingering around...  the same thing goes for God though.  when the parents take their kids to church every sunday, and they keep on telling them that God is real, theyll believe it.  but this is fine, cuz its true...

  19. Its tempting to want to believe in ghosts, its imaginative and creative and when we get scared say in a dark forest at night and there is a sound- say a squirrel falling from a tree we can't see, it is tempting to believe in something supernatural.

    The truth is there are no ghosts. I agree with one of the other answerers there is no proof, and any proposed proof would have an explanation

  20. While there is plenty of personal proof that ghosts exist, there is no scientific proof that they do. The personal proof is outweighed by the overall belief that they do not exist. In Religion the overall belief is that God does exist, so in society it is an oddity for someone to say it does not exist. Most people are taught from a young age that ghosts do not exist, while they are also taught that God does. This is more of a societal question since the overall majority of society deems what is belief versus what is not.

  21. i believe in ghosts if it makes you feel any better.h**l i've lived in the same house with them.anybody who thinks i'm crazy can kiss myass!

  22. If you claim to believe in God, you don't understand God very well if you're asking a foolish question, or making foolish statements.

    The reason God doesn't walk among us is because he is no fool to be walking about a mankind like US who is always being greedy, causing trouble, killing others, causing wars, lying... etc (just to name a few things)... however, God IS among us - just not physically. He acts as a force while mankind behaves this way...

    Now, another thing is: God has a book, called "The Bible" (the bible has evidence of being historically real and fact). It has his instructions and words in them. Ghosts don't have a book which says "Believe in me, I created you... " etc.

    Next point, "The Holy Ghost" is not God. God's voice can be heard or felt through the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is NOT the average ghost, it has a power which everyone can sense and fear right away.

    No one has SEEN God, but many claim to see ghosts. Ghosts can either be imagination, OR are something beyond our own understanding OR (maybe even) Satan trying to deceive us to believing there is life after death. (There is NO life after death because the bible mentions we turn into dust after we die - which IS true).

    God cannot be faked (as much as we try to PLAY God, we can't and WON'T be able to do it). Ghosts can be faked. People have trouble believing in ghosts because Ghostly 'evidence' can easily be faked in such a way - it can make a fool out of one. Don't believe me? Watch my video I uploaded onto Youtube: In this video, I have used thread - and nothing BUT thread to create Ghostly effects. If I hadn't SAID the video was fake, people would have been jumping over it as if it were critical proof.

    Ghosts are something you have to SEE for yourself to believe in... God, you just KNOW, believe in and trust or you don't...

  23. I think thats it easier not to believe in the spirit world as the bible does not condone the spirit world but I do and I have seen lots of Spirits of people apssed on and had any exp[eriences.

  24. well there is no ghost and there is no god.

  25. I belive in God and ghosts

  26. It is impressive to see so many answers to a question that states as a fact what people believe and  asks about an entity whose existence cannot be proved.

  27. they straight

  28. Some people are scared of the unknown and don't want to accept that something like ghosts can exist. The unknown can be scary so they find it safer to believe in what is physically there, that they can touch and see.

    Personally, I believe in ghosts as I have seen a couple in my life, and most of my family also believe in them after seeing them.

    As for believing in God, some people find comfort in that and they put God and religion into a category different to ghosts.

  29. because both gods and ghost are abstraction that exist beyond emperical observation,

  30. Some people wont belive in what they can't explain. Some people think god has already been explained for them hence the bible. However ghosts have not really been explained, this is why they don't believe in them.

  31. I do not believe in either ghosts nor in god.

    There is no proof that ghost exist.  If you claim the opposite, I will have to ask you to show them so those can be examined.

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