
Why don't people believe me when I tell them I am psychic?

by  |  earlier

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I can't prove it to them because the things I know are not meant for them to know. It is unnatural even for me to know, unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it.




  1. this is because it is not tangible. We cannot see the scientific proof of it. We tend to believe only what we see or can hold in our hands. thanks...

  2. thats amazing! i believe you. you could go into a prefession and make big money :) haha

  3. The problem I see here is you're telling people you're psychic... STOP IT! That's the biggest mistake anyone can make considering anything in that realm on beliefs... *sigh* I mean, yeah I may believe you but I'd have to talk to you and get a feel for you before I could say whether I believe you or not... If you want, feel free to IM me or something and we'll talk about it... I'll give you some advice from somebody that has been in your shoes before... But for the most part, I'm not going into any detail on here...

  4. maybe because you aren't?

  5. do u already know what my answer is going to be? lol ;)  i think its just cuz they aren't so they don't understand it.  We all know what it feels like for your foot to fall asleep, so if someone says they're foot is asleep, we believe them.......we can't relate to you so we don't know what you're feeling.

  6. because being psychic is unnatural in most people's eyes... some people can't understand that there is more to this world than what they want to believe... and they don't want to believe that you can know things that they don't

  7. There are just some things you must be discreet about. This is one of them, due to the skepticism that you will encounter. Have you ever read about the story of a Greek woman named Cassandra whom Apollo cursed with the gift of prophecy, but also added a twist that no one would believe her? People will have this reaction and it is a completely natural reaction. keep a journal of things. Especially if you are psychic you should keep a journal. It will help you refine yourself. If you are gifted, time will bear you out and you will be able to share your feelings with those close friends who will not think you are just plain whacky. (not that it's a bad thing to be a little whacky, too, lol!)

  8. That constant hum your hearing, is your neighbors mowing their lawn. It's the summer. Don't worry, it usually it goes away in the winter.

  9. If you are really psychic you should be able to prove to people you are, and people would believe you. With no proof you will only have Skeptics.  

  10. I do believe there are people who have extra ordinary abilities.  Like I had a bad feeling for a few days and then my aunt died.   I felt sick all day one day and my brother got put in prison. (not jail)  I went to my daughters house and said to myself these dogs are going to get run over.  I cant believe thay have lasted this long.  2 dys later one got ran over.  Many different things like this.  Even had a dream I lost my job and the next day I did.  I have a aunt that is like this too.  But unless we can express this and help others why should they believe cause it is not the norm. (so to speak)  Just dont tell others.  Keep it to yourself.   My family talks about it but thats it.   Most people think your crazy I'm sure.  So just keep it to yourself cause you have nothing to prove to others.

  11. If you can tell me what I think you're full of I will believe you

  12. I believe in psychic abilities.The only way you can prove to them that you have this ability if you can see the future is to tell them something that will happen and if it does then they will eventually believe you.

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