
Why don't people care about what they are doing to the Earth! I mean come on they are living in it!!!?

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It is there Earth, they should care about it! If no one cares about it and no one does anything, the Earth is dead!




  1. Good answers all of them ,except of course Johnny B !!

  2. Because no one cares about anything anymore, unless it involves some ditzy blonde starlet. When was the last time you saw a war protest? Yet they line up in droves to protest Paris Hilton going to jail.

  3. There's more to why NASA is working on moon projects to get us to Mars cheap; it's so we can globally colonize the moon and BEYOND!!!

  4. What cracks me up (in a sad sort of way) is people (usually Republican politicians) who talk about "those tree-hugging environmentalists" or other derogatory terms.  And I always wonder the same can you NOT be an environmentalist? Don't you live on the same planet as I do? Or is it that, if there is money to be made in the short term, nothing else matters! It is amazing but happens all the time.  There are a lot of people, that as long as they "get theirs" anything else that happens to the planet is someone else's problem.  There is a wonderful little essay written about this called the "Tragedy of the Commons" by Garret Hardin, a thoughtful ecologist (now deceased) from U.C. Santa Barbara (see link).

  5. because they are selfish and believe it won't happen in their lifetimes and believe it's the next generations' problem. We still have to fix what last generation did to our environment...D:

  6. not an answer, but a tiny comment to the question, and those who answered...When referring to people, and if you are one yourself a person, please use WE, and not THEY. -That is if you're not trying to disown yourself from the human race. thank u.

  7. The issue has become far too political, so people feel obligated to draw a line in the sand and stand firm, rather than witness what is actually happening. Also, far too much emphasis is on saving the planet rather than improving our local environment like smog and polluted rivers. If people focused on the damage we're doing to our own living space, the health of our own air, etc. people would take it much more seriously.

  8. As soon as they will realise that, it will be too late.

  9. This isn't a real question, I think.

    You don't want to know why they don't care. You want them to change. At the bottom, you don't even want them to care--you want them to take better care of the earth--no matter what they care about.

    If you want to make a difference, ask a different question. Ask how you can inspire, persuade or trick people into acting in ways that would be better for the earth.

    Most people who dump their Micky D's tray into a container aren't "caring" about the other people there or the workers; It's just a habit. The containers are there, the walk isn't long, and other people both demonstrate the tray-dumping and would glare at them if they walked out without doing it. Even Wal-mart, boo, hiss, is making a push to see millions of florescent bulbs to replace incandescent ones.

    What can you do to help people develop earth-saving habits?

  10. U need to worry about the terroist that want to kill U.

  11. I agree

  12. The reason is because they don't like to admit to doing wrong and even if something is right in front of us until it has been proven in all ways possible some people will not listen. People cannot directly see all the effects of things they do right away and thus feel they have done no wrong.

  13. Many people respond to unpleasant subjects by choosing to remain ingnorant of the facts.  Much like a mother doesn't know her husband is abusing their own child.  Some people would rather let things happen than try to 'slay the dragons'.  

    Another reason is mans' greed.  These people twist and turn the 'facts' to their favor in order to subtract themselves from responsibility. But, I do feel there are enough people who DO care enough to make a difference. We need to band together and take action, as individuals first, and in groups second.

  14. I agree with you 100% and I honestly think people dont care becouse they will live up to like 80 or something and then die and they wont care about the earth any more! But what they are forgetting is that if they have children, the kids are forced to live in a worst condition that before.  Also its very sad that no one cares about the earth becouse the polution and everything is taking away our years for living, and guess what once opon a time poeple lived up to 1000 hundred years, well at least the bible says that!  Also you are a very good person for caring about the earth! try to clean out parks or help out your community by cleaning places!

                                                                        - Jane k.

  15. I know.  a few years back the air wasn't as bad as it is today.  You can just see the yellow smog in this town now.  Don't they all know their adding to it.  and the litter on the streets, don't they realize it has to end up somewhere.  and the wasteful food.  Gees.  the third world countries are probably much better than us in terms of reuse and recycle.

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