
Why don't people care that they're polluting??

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Why don't people care about global warming or about problems we face in our community? I dont understand. When I tell friends or family not to litter for example, they say "Oh. It doesn't matter. It's not like the world is going to end." And when they speak of global warming they go "I don't care what happens to the world. We're all going to die anyway." I don't know what to tell them when they say that or how to make them change their minds so that they actually care. Personally, I think the environment is very important. We've taken too much from the Earth as it is and haven't given back. People just keep digging into the Earth, polluting the air, and making oceans dirty and I think there are going to be some consequences. Please comment on my question, its very important!




  1. Camille, when you grow up a bit and get more mature you'll be able to put things in better perspective and won't need to ask questions like this.

  2. the people that dont care tend to be religious

    and they are not worried because their God is handling things and they will go to heaven ,which is much more beautfull that this earth for them

    so they are looking foreward to that ,not tooo worried about what happens here .

    For those of us who considder this planet a paradise ,which we would like to enjoy with having to die first ,the Environment ,its condition ,the well being of the ecosytems with its flora and fauna is of the utmost Importance

  3. because people are lazy and stupid. they have grown up thinking about only themselves and are not streetsmart enough to know that every gum wrapper they chuck out their car window is a building block to a tower they can't knock over. its those people that are going to end it for our grandkids.

  4. its largely because the actions of one person generally do have a very small effect, your actions account for one six billionth of all human activity. imagine if everyone in the world threw a penny into a giant vat, on one hand its true that whether or not one particular person throws in a penny will have virtually no effect on the total, but on the other hand those six billion pennies were each thrown in by one person, so if everyone had that mentality there would be no pennies in the vat. another answer is cold hard cash, if its cheaper for companies to pollute, they will.

  5. Because people suck

  6. 1. People believe that environmentalist claims are greatly exaggerated, which is possible.

    2. People are selfish and greedy.

    3. "Everyone else is doing it."

  7. I agree.

    Pollution is profitable. Being green must be profitable, and can be.

    Being messy is thought to be masculine.

    It must be show to be weak.

    Many dispair. Hope must be provided.

    The crunch has hardly begun.

    Some can deny anything, and must be saved despite themselves.

    It is the human condition.

    We change, or become extinct. Our choice.

  8. The sense of lethargy when it comes to our environment stems from our societys' attitude that if it doesn't affect us right away, who cares? I've seen this plently of times and I'm sure you have as well. I have asked the same questions and gotten the same answers and all I can tell you is that we are living in a world where peoples' number one priority is themselves (for the most part) and anything else is just someone elses problem. The problem with that however, is that the environment is not "someone elses" problem  - it's all of our problem. I can't tell you how upset I am when I read up on people who knowingly destroy the earth for no particular reason. Usually there is money behind it, for example, when big businesses refuse to comply with environmental laws it is only because it will cost them more.

    I can tell you that from personal experiences, the property where I live refuses to use a recylcing program because it costs more than just throwing everything away in one big bag. That's only a solution for the moment. But it will just create a bigger problem when those bags start piling up and no one is recycling them.

    I agree with what you have to say, that people just don't seem to care. All I can tell you from observation and personal experience is that it is because 1) they think it does not affect them, 2) they think it won't make any difference, 3) there is money involved, or 4) the environment is not as important to them as material things that they can actually buy.

    Good luck with this one, it's tough.

  9. on a thing like pollution, cars cause a lot of fumes and smoke that leads to global warming. unlike a lot of people, i do care about the earth, its our only home. the thing with cars is that, people think that they cant live without them. with all the newest

    models, we buy them just for style. we need to use cars that can run on ethanol or the other nature friendly power sources. and yes the world will end sooner or later, but we are just shortening the time we have to live. and who knows if Mars is even safe for us to live on or how long it will take to get all multi-billion of us people there. so yes there are some who care about all of the problems in the world. you just have to find them. you should watch "An Inconvenient Truth" movie by al gore.

  10. do your part but don't go wacko, follow the laws and be efficient but not to the point that you go overboard and not take vacations because you drive and pollute or fly and pollute.  This issue is grossly exaggerated.  Global Warming is a trojan horse for Socialism, wake up Americans. Global warming is at the fore front because politicians found how to use a new platform to get re-elected. The world leaders use it because they found ways to make money at it. This is a made up problem just like Global Cooling in the 1970's. Wake up people. I agree we need to be more efficient with our resources, and we should fine and jail companies who are dumping into our rivers maliciously. I want to stop the raiforest destruction, but to say that global warming is a serious man made issue and we need to destroy the American economy and bow down to the rest of the world certainly does not float my boat. Follow the money on this one and you will see that it is all for political gain and grant money for those scientists who profit off of the government if global warming stays at the front of the issues. Look deep into the Keoto (sp?) Treaty, first of all they took jets to a non-central resort location. Not very environmentally concious. THen in the parameters of the treaty they have a clause that makes it so you can buy or sell polution credits. This is all about shifting wealth and breaking down the United States. This is painfully obvious, just look at peoples agenda. The earth's mean temperature has risen .6 degrees C in the past 125 years. Greenland's icecaps have gotten colder in the past 10 years. The Scientists who do not gain anything on their posisition will tell you that the earth has a natural progression and this is what we are seeing. The UN report is made up of POLITICIANS not a good spread of scientists. THere are as many or more scientists who believe that man in NOT the reason and it is over hyped, but their voice is not heard in the LIberal Mainstream Media. This issue is 99% political, and an attempt to make the USA a socialist nation, and eventually communisim. WAKE UP AMERICA, IT IS TIME TO BE AMERICANS. FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. STOP THE LIES

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