
Why don't people get more offended over racism against whites?

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We all know the history of racism against blacks in America. Blacks fought back for years, and today it is horribly offensive and in some cases even illegal to express racism against blacks through words or actions. However, it has become a huge trend in black comedy to insult white people, and no one seems to care to fight back when the racism is turned against whites. How is racism considered horrible and unacceptable when it's against blacks but when someone is racist against whites it's considered completely okay or even funny?




  1. people think white people wont talk back? well thats why everybody in my school does it. and maybe because we're not used to having white people chill with us. basicly ignorance

  2. because only white people can be racist


    i think exactly the same thing u do

    if we had national white history month or a whites only homework club(we have muslum and blacks onli homework clubs at my school but no whites only)

    they would all go mad and go racists at us

    but its perfecfly accecptable for them to do it

    it drives me mad

  3. A lot of  whites have white guilt. They feel bad for things many of their ancestors had no part of.  

  4. well... our times dont want to go back to wat horrible things happened in the past (slavery, segregation, etc.) and since racism is the beginning of all that we try to keep it to a minimum... also  some (not all) black people think that white people are such trash because of slavery and segregation and things in the past.  i think that it's the 21st century now and we need to stop living in the past and treat everyone equally. but of course so many people are so frickin stubborn that that will never happen.... some people are still living in the past and hating black people for no reason, there's always some segregation here or there whether it's against whites or against blacks (btw i think most people find white racism funny but black racism is more of a crime than funny).  i dont think it's okay or funny to be racist against anyone because of ethnicity or color

  5. I find myself asking that same question a lot

  6. i live in the south and i hear alot of horrible racism at both sides... i don't know why its ok sometimes.. who knows..its never ok to be racist in any race or religion

  7. Hear-hear!

  8. Oh I think there is a lot of racism against the Whites in Zimbabwe, where the Blacks and the Whites have switched places as rulers and ruled.  But since the Blacks are the majority (and always were), when they gained most government control, people didn't complain.  The White population in Zimbabwe doesn't have a strong enough voice to be heard outside the country.

  9. There's a difference between being racially offensive on the street, and racially offensive on a comedy stage. True, whites tend not to poke fun at blacks in that situation for the most part, because of the discriminatory history. But whites were never segregated by blacks, and so we have no sore history on our sides that stings when they poke fun at us. Besides, white people are funny as h**l. Ever seen a white guy try to dance? HAHA! Hilarious.

  10. I don't care about racist comedy - humor is fine and I would never seek to censor it.

    I do think our government ignores racism against whites. There was a case where two white guys intervened to stop a gang rape, 23 black guys intervened and nearly killed them, yet none of them are charged with a hate crime. Why oh why does it work one way but not another? Imagine Jeremiah Wright as a white guy with the same speech: "this country was founded on racism...." What gives?

    I find some African American speakers to be incredibly racist, including Al Sharpton.  

    How long do Caucasians have to wait to get equal attention on this issue? Until they become a minority race in 2041?  

  11. Yeah. And I dont get why they get extra help in paying for college. That right there is being racist! Im not racist I think we are all created equal.

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