
Why don't people get that global warming doesn't always literally mean warming?

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It's so frustrating when people do some half-assed research and then make a conclusion based on stuff published by big oil. Why, why, why can't they see what nearly 100% of (independent) scientists agree on?




  1. So what - the ice caps could cover Europe and that would STILL be global warming?

  2. If you could provide a source for your rant, I would be happy to comment.

    In other words, what other phrase would prefer, rapid climate change?

    Yes, in some parts of the world, Mass. for example, the winters are getting a tad colder, but in Washington state, the summers have been more sweltering than I've ever remembered.

    Global warming refers to the melting of the polar ice caps which raise sea levels and therefore cause massive problems.

    As if Big Oil would release a document claiming that their industry is causing unbelievable harm to the environment. =)

    If I haven't seen such an article, then do post it, for I could do with a laugh!

  3. I'm confused. What are you hinting at????

    Global warming is warming. Big oil wouldn't want you to know that because their product causes it.

    In case you didn't know the "Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and with safeguarding the natural environment: air, water, and land. "

    Now that you know this, you can trust that all information from the following site is correct and backed by the United States of America.

    Don't trust the EPA? Easy. Lets see what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says about global warming on their FAQ page:

    This isn't enough?!

    Check out of all these sites then (I warn you. Some may be biased...)

    Enjoy the winter before it's gone!

  4. But it DOES literally mean warming.  Of the entire globe.

    Perhaps you are referring to the Greenhouse Effect, which in itself is not warming but is a cause of global warming.

  5. "None are so blind as those who will not see"

    Look, there is a portion fo the American population who are hostile to science genrally--mainly the "religious right."   Given that mindset, it was all too easy for special interests (like the oil companies) aided by dishonest public officials (notably the Bush administration) to convince these people that  "global warming" was a "liberal plot, like evolution."  Now---that is an article of religious faith with them.  They neither  know anything about the science, nor do they wish to. And rational arguement or evidence willl not do any good.  We're not talking about a reasoned committement to a particular set of moral beliefs, whether or not they are expressed in religious terms. You are dealing with the kind of purposeful ignorance that is the hallmarke of blind belief, superstition, and in extreme cases, fanaticism.

  6. Because people often don't want to think about any kind of disasters that can and may accrue especially when it may be some time before anything so severe takes place....They probably don't think to much on later generations of people who will be effected. They don't do their research and therefore  judge by what the name doesn't say global ice age so they figure whatever...Also there are allot of people like myself who look to the bible and could give a rats behind on anything a scientist has to say.

  7. We just do not buy the propaganda that 100% of scientists agree.

  8. I know what you mean. I saw a posting ,where a AGW denier proposed putting pure CO2 in a jar,then setting the jar in the sunlight.  He was sure it would just heat up red hot because it's a 'greenhouse' gas. That was the whole point of his 'denial'! lol! Must of been eating that JELLO again!

  9. That's why "climate change" is a more accurate term.

  10. Gosh, I wish there was a way to vote this "Best Question".

    It really makes sense!!

    If the planet gets cooler, it's because of global warming.  If the planet gets warmer then that too is caused by global warming.  If it stays the same, then, you guessed it,  global warming!

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