
Why don't people have any manners anymore?

by  |  earlier

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People get on the road and act like jerks speeding and changing lanes without turn signals and when someone says something to them, they want to fight. What has happened to people? Should maybe the cops put more aggresive drivers in jail for a week or two?




  1. It seems to me that these folks are in a big hurry, & I suspect they get a certain amount of excitement from driving as they do. The racing thing, y'know.

    I had read an article dealing w/ road rage The author's advice stated the best thing to do is not say anything to these people & to avoid eye contact.

    In any event, let them go stay away from them.

  2. I think times have made people more hosile and frusterated. There are far more of these people than cops.

  3. I got the job of a 23 yr old girl who was run off the road intentionally by a person with road rage...she was beautiful and the only child.  She just graduated college & was going to be a Dr.  She cut this guy off....but he didn't only swerve her off the road once but twice....she lost control the 2nd time...and hit someone head on...she died instantly...all because this guy was ticked off and wanted revenge- then left the scene...but was caught.  This guy was over 50...too.  YOU are right, no manners.... the rest of his life he will be reminded of this...revenge he "got" and the life he took-she was at the wrong place at the wrong time--we've ALL pulled out a little too early thinking we can make it..... but let it GO---- most of the time it is probably not intentional....

  4. I think people nowadays are just flat out RUDE to each other. There's a complete lack of respect between people and it's sad to see.

    I was listening to talk radio tonight on my way home (I love talk radio) and the host (from Mass.) was talking about traffic police details and how Hew Hampshire (my home state) uses flagmen instead of overpaying a cop to run traffic all day. She admitted that when the woman that was handling traffic asked her to stop she just ignored her and drove right by, saying "What's she gonna do to me anyway?"

    I think the police SHOULD be given more authority to pull people over for being inconsiderate on the roads. Sadly, most states won't allow laws that allow the police to pull someone over for being rude on the roads. They have said it's unconstitutional. We change the constitution all the time and MOST of our laws are unconstitutional in some shape or form.

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