
Why don't people in the U.S. demand a paper ballot when voteing?

by Guest44632  |  earlier

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We could use one without the chads. Seems to me that wouldn't be such a hard thing to do.




  1. Count me in...I want a paper trail.

  2. Someone would complain no matter what you used for voting.

  3. Demand anything you want... nobody in Gov is listening...

  4. Some are trying to and are getting twisted in knots by the Republican vote machine owners.

  5. Everything is done online now. Its cheaper more efficient; it saves trees; and there are too many people for paper to make sense; it woud take weeks to get results among many other reasons.

  6. Because Paper ballots caused a lot of problems in Fla in 2000....

  7. I don't know why.  I strongly believe there should be some sort of "trail" one could follow in case something should go awry during the elections.  This would be the only way I can see, that the election would be deemed correct/incorrect.  Any other solutions out there?

  8. Checks and Balances!

    We need them to be able to validate and verify our votes so we can check them if we want. We should be able to verify our vote counted the way we want.

    RANKED CHOICE VOTING RULES! NO winner take all c**p!

  9. In Alabama we use paper ballots.  You mark your vote and submit it to the machine that counts it.  I don't see anything hard about it and I like it better than the old machines we used to have.

  10. Two words: "hanging chads"

    We had a lot of problems with paper ballots in the past, and some still claim that the election was stolen because of them even though subsequent recounts (many of them) clearly demonstrated that the guy who won actually did win.

  11. People will still accuse the "government" of falsifying ballots or cheating in some way (remember the "hanging chad" fiasco??).

    There is no way to do it that will make everyone happy.  There is no perfect system.  If it's paper, people can claim hanging chads.  If it's digital, then people can claim the machines are "rigged" - someone will always be able to find a complaint.

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