
Why don't people like indians?

by  |  earlier

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i don't understand this! Indians get made fun of and laughed at and categorised. y do people make fun of them? because of the indians we have so many good things! y? y do some people think there pretty but than some people just think there all d**n ugly! and hairy! y?




  1. umm...according to me indians ARE they make fun of themselves? your question is inaccurate. but i do get what you're saying. unfortunately, it isn't just indians that get made fun of. in this day and age, racism is coming back..but not as extreme as in the past. nobody gets that we're all people and the only difference is the way we look and think. we weren't meant to be the same. some people just don't understand that.

  2. some people are just racist, I personally don't have a problem with them, you just have to live with the fact that the world will always be racist towards different people blacks, latinos asians, anyone.But always know that there are also good people out there who arent racist

  3. I'm assuming your talking about Native Americans.

    Well, a lot of people nowadays are stereotypical. They make fun of every little problem you have and they think they're perfect.

  4. wat ... i think indians (guys) r s**y omg !

    my friend is indian ... i went to her

    house and her mom cooked the BEST food ever !!!

  5. I have nothing against them but i just think they tend to smell.

    Honestly I understand they don't take that many baths in India but to my nose its offensive.

  6. I like anny one of any race as long as i find them attractive. It depends on what the person likes !

  7. I think that they are just like anyone else.....some are goodlooking and some are not-so-goodlooking

  8. tank u, *** agen

  9. U talkin' India Indians or American Indians ?

  10. I think it largely dependent in the area you live in. I live in California when I first came here I was discriminated against because I could not speak English, but after I started to adapt to the culture the people whom had made fun of me became nice and some became my friends. I am Indian and came to America 7 years a go.  

  11. i love indians

    i was having a conversation with my family about how amazingly nice indians are and how good their food is.

    I can honestly say you ask any random person for directions and they will ignore you but when you ask Indians they are soo nice about it =)

    LOVE your culture

  12. Do they have a shop on every street corner in US, like UK?

  13. it's half stereotypical and haft fact.... and hey Mexicans rock their uni brows as well, why shouldn't you. I'm not in any way trying to offend ,but honestly  once what 'people' say gets to you, you say **** you,you ,you and point is anything different is a force to be reconned with!!!!

  14. Native Americans or from India, Indians????

  15. 'cause they are stereotypes.they see the people of Indian with very good hair but very dark skin and are shocked.the reason there are more racism in America than any other countries is that America has become the place so many people from different races have chosen to come and stay permanently.since the majority are white and the rest are minority and don't have white people's features,stereotypes begin.

  16. Yeah. Do you mean Native Americans or actual Indians? If you mean Native Americans I think this is a bit ironic.

  17. because they think we should give them everything for free!  

  18. do you mean american indians or indians from the Indian subcontinent?

  19. It's just like anything else these days.

    I'm assuming you live in America.

    Since white people pretty much run the country they just think they can do anything.

    But the same thing would happen if a white person was in India.

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