
Why don't people like muslims ,every muslim is not like the people of 911, so whats up with that?

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Why don't people like muslims ,every muslim is not like the people of 911, so whats up with that?




  1. I don't like or dislike muslims any more than anyone else, and I know that not all muslims are like those involved in 911. As for why others might, well unfortunately the religion has become associated with terrorism and people are frightened. Surely you can understand that, though I agree its unfair to treat every muslim like they are involved in terrorism.


  3. It is caused by stereotyping from people who don't bother to form their own opinions, but who make up their minds based on what other people say or do.  I've met many Muslims here in Britain.  Lots of them are good people, some of them are not.  I've met many Christians through my life. Some of them are not good people, many of them are.  Just depends on the person.  But too many people are willing to place others into categories, suggesting that all these people are bad, or all those people are good.

    Pick up a newspaper in the States, read the headlines, and you will see what I mean.  In the UK, all you have to do is pick up the Sun newspaper.  You'd never have that paper in the states, they put a topless lady on page three almost every day.  Talk about nipples galore.  Religious leaders over there would have heart attacks, if biggest selling newspaper in the US started doing that.  But just because more women than men buy the Sun over here every day, that doesn't mean they are all lesbians.

  4. Unfortuanely people lump groups together ie - tarred with the same brush - and with lots of bad press about muslims and not much good press - ie the peaceful protest they had in London to protest against other muslims upset about the Danish cartoon - then ignornat people think all Muslims are the same.  It happened with Jews during WW2 and the Christians during their early years - people don't like those who are different and that will only dispear due to education of our children

  5. i just couldnt understand your question ...would you mind elaborating on it

  6. In my opinion, I think after 911 or even after seeing the movie United 93...people are going to look at people of muslim decent or the terrorist decent differently.  It's just 911 caused many wounds, and for some reason first instinct that people get when they see people like that is that they remember 911.  It's unfortunate that muslisms and people of that decent are connected to the terrorists just because of skin color, race, or religion.

  7. I agree with elmleaquack. It is all stereotypes. I personally have only ever met one or two Muslims. Those I have met seem  nice. They accept that their homeland culture is not the culture here and some of the Muslims don't like the fact that others do nasty stuff. Some of them don't even like the dress code! It is media and stereotyping which is causing the problems. The 9/11 people are only a minority. I am sure most Muslims(as in any other group or community) are ok.

  8. I don't know.

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