
Why don't people like paying taxes? Why can't we just pay more?

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Taxes are the basis of our government. Without taxes, the government would not have the revenue to function. Higher taxes would make our country stronger because our government would be stronger. Am I the only person who believes this country needs a tax increase?




  1. people make a country strong...a large government makes the country would think the fall of the USSR people would learn a lesson...

  2. Ok, you first. Send in 50% of your paycheck each week, then post on line proof that you do that and we'll reconsider.

    Hows that?

  3. no. we should cut taxes. with more money people can open more businesses and then more people get jobs.

    we're being taxed way too much already.

    like maybe when guy A actually gets to keep more than half of his paycheck, he can go shopping for things more- spend more money in the community.

    the people should be left to themselves as much as possible.

  4. no, I agree.  If the economy witll benefit from it, I think it would be worth the sacrifice

  5. Definitely not, but on this site we are greatly outnumbered. What I don't get is why much of the lower middle class votes repub. when more taxes help them (when it's income tax).

  6. What a ridiculous question. You like paying more for things?

  7. Be very careful where you head with this line of reasoning, you may find yourself straying into logic.

    Those on the right who are so anti big government and lowered taxes for the richest Americans certainly must forget where they get the funding for their constant expansions of the military.  

  8. Yes, you are.

    2/3 of corporations do not pay any income taxes.  If they did at all, do you know how much more we could accomplish?  People that already pay taxes shouldn't pay more, those that don't should start.

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