
Why don't people like this just join the UFC/IFL/w.e and win big money?

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  1. just because you are big and have mucles doesnt mean you are a good fighter.  look at emelianenko, he never weight trains, only trains with calesthenics like pushups, pullups etc, and he can beat any musclehead incredibly easily with technique. he couldnt beat anyone in his weight class in the ufc, if he could, why wouldnt he do it? because he isnt trained to fight and would get hurt.  being that musclebound means you cant move quickly, and have limited flexibility which means your arms and legs would break easier.  

  2. Muscles do not equal fighting skill.

  3. because you need technique to be able to fight not just muscle mass. lol that'll be funny see a body builder like ronnie coleman take on heavyweight mma champ like fedor or boxer like klitschko

    plus mma doesnt pay well for too many people. i mean some people get at the very top might get around a million per fight(and the ones getting this kind of pay have been fighting in these organizations for quite some time). but like sean sherk who was the lightweight champ his last fight he got like $30,000. so im not too sure about winning "big money"

  4. Because they couldn't pass the drug tests.

  5. your question is the answer, if these guys could actually fight, then why dont they? why dont they go make money instaed of being on youtube and doing bodybuilding events for no money. They know they would get killed, thats why they dont. That guy like ALL body builders would get killed if they fought in MMA. also they know they wouldnt pass the drug testing since all those guys take ALOT of steriods. They have no fighting skill, no stamina, no flexibility, no speed, no agility. Body builders train to look good not to be strong, im not saying they arnt strong, but its a different kind of strength, notice of that bodybuilder has a small midsection, where as most MMA fighters have large midsection, because they need that strength to throw people around, you use your core muscles to throw people around not your biceps or pecs. They dont have the skill, why doesnt every football player who wasnt good enough for the NFL go to MLB or NHL and dominate, they are alot bigger and stronger than baseball or hockey players? Bodybuilders would get killed and they know it, if not then why dont they go make a ton of money if its so easy???? Give me a 170lb ju jitsu fighter against that huge bodybuilder, the bodybuilder would be choked unconcious in about 2 min. They all know it, thats why they dont fight. or maybe the bodybuilders have no balls left, since steriods do shrink your testicals

  6. probably cuz they will get rapped, a mma fighter would kill a body builder, all those muscles but not one bit of knowledge on how to throw a punch or kick or submit someone.

  7. Karate isnt a big deal anymore. so Bringing up a little respect Martial art as Karate is Ignorant. No,he couldnt be in UFC,MMA requires skill,thats all,look at Kimbo all Hype Slice. he is ripped,and get owned in MMA.

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