
Why don't people listen to your question without interrupting?

by  |  earlier

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I'm so tired of people interpreting my question before I'm finished. Then why I try to clarify, they interrupt again and answer again about something I haven't asked! I was trying to explain what was wrong with the elevator and the person interrupted and said "oh the door wasn't closed properly". I said, "no, that's not it! there's a bigger problem with it". They just walked off and said, "There, that's it. the door's closed".

It's infuriating!




  1. Making your questions shorter and to the point may help.


  2. I wish I knew!  It seems to be an epidemic!  However, keep in mind that not all people are equally intelligent, and maybe some simply don't understand what you're asking, no matter how often or carefully you explain it.  

  3. Okay, like it’s that serious. Wasn’t I just talking about this yesterday (rhetorical because I’m asking myself). Are you stalking me?

    I interrupt people all the time, most likely if I don’t get my words in there as soon as possible; “you” are bound ending your speech without an answer because by the time you are done, I have either forgotten what I was going to say, or I blocked out what you were saying and forgot what it was about.

    Helping it is kind of hard; imagine having to explain this to people? “Isn’t” that extra information that “isn’t” everyone’s business?

    This brings me back to the book I was reading. How do you explain to people of your difficulty when you can’t even explain to your self?

    The nerve

    So, I am sure there are those who interrupt to be annoying because they need attention, “not lacking inattentively”, but how do you know that you’re judgment is not just judgmental because you are lacking in consideration for differences?

    By the way, it was just the door. What if it wasn’t really closed all the way?

    Maybe for you, being right is more important.

  4. there really isn't a reason for it except they are rude and stupid.

  5. People who do this only show their own ignorance and rudeness.  There's nothing you can do about this, so just let it drop.  

  6. I always think it's because their insecure and they are begging to be heard. It gives me sympathy instead of anger.

  7. They think they know more than you do.  They are SOOO smart that you don't even need to finish your stupid, pathetic little question before they can answer it and be done with you.  Mostly though, they are just rude.

  8. if you allow yourself to be a rug. you will be

    be aggressive that wont happen

  9. Because you ramble on too much

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