With the prices of food and gas rising, the honey bee's dying off adding to the cost of food, along with using our crops for biodeisel, why is it thought that spending more on alternative forms of energy will be too costly by the nay sayers of global warming?? We are already in the trillions in debt over this war. Money that would have been better spent finding ways to be less dependant on oil and choking off moneys to countries that are against us. We can spend billions for NASA to explore space but, not to save our own butts!!!! Nothing done under republican rule has made a dent in our fuel prices except make many republicans richer. Need I say Hallaburton???Their are many ways to go about improving our lives making cheaper ways of travel and electricity, although they may not be cheap in the begining, as time goes on and more is produced it will be. When we have people knock things down, and deny the truth they hurt us all. To dismiss other ideas being used because of expense is BS!