
Why don't people "believe" in global warming?

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I think they just wanna shrug it off and turn the other cheek.

They just don't want to know, so they've decided to be idiotic and say "it's not even real" cos they can't be bothered recycling, or doing anything else to help stop global warming.

Admittedly, the thing that leaves the biggest Carbon footprint is farm animals farting.

What are your thoughts?




  1. Oh, Global warming is REAL...I just don't think man has to do with something that has occurred time and time again through out time.

    Volcanoes have let off much more toxic gases than man could EVER hope to do.  What Are we going to tax them too?

  2. People with IQs under 100 fervently believe in global warming.  More intelligent people tend to be skeptical.

  3. Some are honestly mistaken.  Others are conspiracy theorists who think everything is a conspiracy.

    Many are Conservatives who take politics to great lengths.  If environmentalists, liberals, or worst, Al Gore say something it MUST be wrong, no matter how many scientists are saying it.

    Thoughtful Conservatives are annoyed that this gives Conservatives a reputation for not acknowledging reality.  For example:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    The Oregon Petition is a well known hoax.  This is still true:

    "The fact that the community overwhelmingly supports the consensus is evidenced by picking up any copy of Journal of Climate or similar, any scientific program at the meetings, or simply going to talk to scientists. I challenge you, if you think there is some un-reported division, show me the hundreds of abstracts that support your view - you won't be able to. You can argue whether the consensus is correct, or what it really implies, but you can't credibly argue it doesn't exist."

    NASA's Gavin Schmidt

  4. Because the data is always adjusted to fit the theories after the data is proven wrong.

    it's a simple idea, create a pardox that can't be proven or disproven.  Then act with confidence and many will follow your lead.

    If you use the data, from NASA, and develop the standard deviation from the base period of 1951-1980, it is -0.3.  So when they state we are 0.6 degrees above "normal", we are actually 0.3.  If you use the real data from the medeival warm period, not the Mann hockey stick, you will see that we are 0.2 degrees below "the norm".  I would rather use 2,000 years of data as opposed to 140 years.  It'll give you a more realistic view of "the norm" as far as temperatures.

  5. Because people don't trust science anymore. It's so far over their head that it is inditinguishable from magic to them. They believe that they don't need to understand anything in order to have an opinion because it has become impossible for them to understand it. If they get into large groups of ignorant people, they can say the same thing again and again and none of them know enough to realize how stupid it is. But at the same time they use all the technology that science brought them every day without batting an eyelash.

  6. Even if it is real, the effects are far too slow or harmless to them and their families. So why should they worry so much if nothing serious can happen to them during their life-time?

  7. No, we skeptics just find the whole idea completely illogical. We weigh the evidence and don't follow the trend like sheep.

  8. I think those people who don't buy this is because they are not seasonal, climate sensitive persons.  Plus, absorbing information and digestive whether it was true or not by comparing the days in the past and these days.  They didn't notice the spring come too early than last year or the fall comes too slow this year as well by observing the natures and trees or plants.

  9. people don't want to believe in things that will change their lives or future ,however we should not Deni ourselves of the truth.

  10. People "believe" that warming and cooling cycles are a naturally occurring part of our planet.  To think that humans are causing it is the idiotic part.  Scientists have admitted that 0.5 - 2% of all carbon emissions is man made.  So if you eliminate that altogether, then 98% still exists.  You think that is a big enough margin to make a difference?  

    How many animals went extinct before we industrialized this world? Hundreds? Thousands?  What do you blame that on?  Don't you think that it would be safe to say some animals will have population issues weather or not we have anything to do with it.

    And lets talk about Polar Bears.  Did you know that we have 4 times as many now as we did in the 1970's?  We have (depending on who's numbers you look at) between 20 and 25 thousand now compared to 5-10 thousand forty years ago.  So tell me why they are all of the sudden threatened?

    We have not warmed on a global basis since 1998.  Scientists are now saying that we are soon to begin a cooling trend.  Will you hop on that bandwagon too?

    Do some research rather than following the mainstream.  You will find that most so-called environmentalists are actually just anti-corporate using climate to further their agenda.

  11. cus Al Gore is not a scientist only stupid people believe him. Man owns the earth they should do what they like.    

    ( Carbon Footprint LOL    BULL c**p!!!!!)

  12. Believing is for fairy tales and religion.

    Facts are for science.

    Global Warming is a religion because you need faith to trust the Rev. Al Gore.

    The biggest CO2 foot print is not animals, it is from volcanoes.

    C02 does not cause the global to warm, it is a product of the warming global.

    Which is a natural cycle of the earth, and buying all the carbon credits in the world will not change a thing.

  13. If you truly took the time to look into this global warming issue, you would see that it is a natural cycle that the earth is going thru.  In addition, you would see that there is no such thing as man made global warming.

    Can over 19,000 SCIENTISTS be wrong while a measly former Vice President who is only it for the money is right?

  14. So, I'm supposed to kill my horses. The grand kids wouldn't like that. I'm old enough to have seen the lengths that the environmentalists have gone to push their agenda. They have bombed logging equipment because they thought that it was destroying the forest. They stopped the building of a dam in Tennessee because of the snail darter which wasn't even from that area. The list goes on and on. They came up with global warming, but now companies like General Electric and others see the potential to make money. No kidding why I'm skeptical about their agenda.

  15. few people say global warming isn't "real", because sure, the earth has warmed over the years. But if you look throughout the history of the earth, global warming AND cooling are entirely natural. It has nothing to do with what we do. The earth is warming now, but that will be followed by a period of cooling. Any climate expert will tell you that.

    climate change is a natural process that is not impacted by the creatures inhabiting the earth. People need to stop believing the myth that we are causing global warming

  16. I think because...

    (1) They are old and they know they are going to die soon anyways. They are thinking, might as well use up all the resources. They don't really think about their grandchildren and when they run out of gasoline. They don't think about the newer generation's paycheck either because they are taking it all out from social security.

    (2) They are rich and they want to get richer by investing in fossil fuels.

    (3) They are conservative religious and believe god put them here to use up resources. They may also think that the 'end' is coming.

    (4) They are not well-educated and do not look at science as a foundation of knowledge.

    (5) Global warming is a threat to their standard way of living.

  17. Why is it that if someone doesn't believe the way you do they are idiots?

  18. If something has to be "believed", then it is not science, it's an opinion, it's faith, it's a religion, and it's not science.

    You go to your preacher to discuss your beliefs, you go to a scientist to discuss objective facts.  It's a shame people can no longer tell the two apart....

  19. Because of the false documentary al gore showed us. Also the ice caps are not even really melting.

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