
Why don't people recycle?!?!?!?!??!?!?

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SERIOUSLY, how hard is it? just make two seperate trash cans. and put it out just like you would for trash, except on the days that recycled items are collected. IT DOES SO MUCH. i'm wondering, why people dont' do such a simple thing which could help the earth in such a HUGE WAY.

and don't tell me people are lazy.




  1. It's inertia! Habits are difficult to change;-{ it takes education.

    If they understood the problems which land-fill causes....

    One day we'll be mining land-fills to recover the waste.

  2. Sadly, people ARE lazy. Some people also don't really care for the planet because they don't think that what's happening to the planet will effect them.

    it DOES!

    I suggest, if you really care about the environment(and i thank you!) that you should suggest a recycling team in your school, if there is not one already. and if there already is JOIN IT! spread the word around and if you see recycable objects lying around, pick them up and recycle them!!

  3. I think some people don't because their recycling doesn't get picked up at their house, they have to drive to the recycling center to do it. So yeah, just laziness and bad habits. Whoever said caring about the environment is a religion, I'm sorry but you need to stop being so d**n stupid. Don't you care if your grandkids have a clean planet to live on?

  4. They can't see the whole picture. Convenience is easier...sticking their heads in the sand and claiming ignorance doesn't require action.  I guess...even though I was trying not to say lazy...I guess it is what it is!

  5. I think that, maybe, people just don't care any more. Some people just don't believe that it even helps now. We have failed, as humans, in our responsibility to care for the earth and replenish all the natural resources that we've used. A little recycling isn't going to help enough, so why even try. Looking around at all the garbage on the side of the highway and on our hiking trails or at the is disheartening and makes one feel hopeless. I care, but I don't believe it's worth my time. I do recycle newspapers, phone books, and plastic bags. I send the newspapers and phone books to school with my kids and reuse the plastic bags or drop them off in the drop box at the grocery store as I go in, because it is simple so I do it. I'm just guessing, though. I should probably do more myself, but I feel my efforts would be useless. Maybe I'm silly, though...but maybe other people feel the husband does. Why care when no one else does?

  6. I usually try my best to recycle but sometimes I am left pondering if something can be recycle. Also my neighbor once got a ticket for dropping something he thought was recyclable (but it wasnt) in the recycle bin. So if I am not sure I just throw it in the garbage.

    Also I am not sure where to recycle my compact light bulbs

  7. i know it ticks me off mom sometimes(a lot of times actually) and she says,"oh ill be dead by the time global warming hits" and im like,"ya ur old" and she get mad lol

    well this problably is irelevant

  8. I think it's a combo of laziness (sorry), convenience, and lack of concern.

    The sad thing is....

    there are a lot of people who do not care and will not make the change.

  9. I don't recycle because quite frankly you can't force me to go and worship your god, planet earth. As far as I'm concerned, environmentalism has become a religion and I don't think you have the right to tell other people what they have to do to appease your form of religious worship.

    I have better things to do with my time than play with trash!! Besides the bums have to find a way to make money to buy their booze. If you take all the recyclable stuff out of the trash heaps, there goes their main income for crack!!

    I think your the selfish one, didn't you ever think of the bums needs??

  10. Well some people are lazy, and theres really nothing you can do about it! Sorry but some people are lazy but thats the way they live. Also SOME people are lazy, but think about elders, some cant get up to recyle, its just the way it is!

  11. Well sorry but people are lazy they dont take time to get off there butts and help change the world.

    I think folks have become too myopic. We don't live as community anymore. We have socially focused so squarely on the individual, that no one pays attention to their neighbour or community as once did.

  12. Good answer April.  My annual carbon footprint is 35.037, but I'm trying to double the US average you should do the same.

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