
Why don't people see that Michelle and Barack having Ivy Leagues degrees is different from Bush having one?

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Bush is a legacy. Michelle and Barack are hardworkers.




  1. Because they are not that smart.

    Bush got in through family connections.  Just like he did not serve in the National Guard.  Do nto get me wrong, I have no problem with him not serving, just so long as he admits it.

    Affirmative action helps people from disadvantaged backgrounds get into places, but to suceed in those places, you need ability, not affirmative action.

  2. While I am sure that the Obamas are hard workers neither would have made it to the Ivy League without Affirmative Action programs and I really don't see a big difference between that and a legacy..

  3. I know right? Bush had it handed to him and the Obama's worked for everything they have!  

  4. Obama's daddy was a Harvard man, too.  He is, therefore, a legacy.  

    Do your research.

  5. The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an

    eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no

    experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy

    works, no understanding of how the world works, no b@!!$, nothing but

    abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.


                He has no real identity. He is half-white, which

    he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is

    disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and

    middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people

    in Kenya . Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo

    grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.


                What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is

    'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to

    America chained in slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a

    slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was

    the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British

    ended it.  

  6. So whats the big deal about them being Ivy League? Obama still doesn't have the knowledge to deal with 3rd world problems, poverty, etc, etc, etc. He has made a lot of promises he doesn't have the experience to deal with.Why does his wife need to affirm his policys by giving a bogus speech? Obama has no right or reason to be in the White House.IVY LEAGUE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING A PRESIDENT.

  7. Give me a break.  How could you possibly know that?  And it's not like Bush flunked out.  Liberals like to paint him as a complete idiot, but he still made it through an Ivy league school and got elected to the presidency to two terms so he can't be that bad.

  8. Exactly. And they both EXCELED. You cannot say the same about Bush.

  9. So your wanting us to feel sorry for them. It`s not going to happen they didn`t grow up  poor or in the Hood as you say it.

  10. A little ironic you bring this up! Obama himself gives some credit to Affirmative Action for his I guess you could say that he and Bush were both "handed" their Ivy League education.

  11. Michelle and Barack are brilliant. So intelligent and heartfelt in their work and education.

  12. Because they didn't earn theirs.  They got them through Affirmative Action, the NAACP and the N e g r o College Fund.  It's been proven too many times and only the idiots who are brainwashed sheep of Buttock Obama believe otherwise.  He's wouldn't be where he is if he weren't black.

    For the idiot who thinks Michelle is brilliant, if that were true then why is her book so FULL of spelling and punctuation errors?  Face it, Michelle is more of an uneducated dunce than Obama is and he's one of the worst, he can't even answer a simple question without a teleprompter and stuttering.

  13. So anyone who's parents were successful is automatically a legacy and can never achieve anything on their own. If you are successful in life, you are going to say that your children will only gain what they have because of you?  

  14. Michelle and Barack are products of affirmative action.

    And what good did it do. They still despise America despite all of their opportunities.

  15. Okay still doesn't mean I think he should be President. Quite a few people graduated from Ivy league schools that worked hard such as Dr. Rice now she could be President.  

  16. Why is it so special? Just because they are black? Did they get special consideration because of race?

    Give me a president that had to go to community college, and that would be someone more in touch with reality.  

  17. Is this a joke?

  18. Neocons ignore information that doesn't work for them

  19. So you're saying that Obama's kids Ivy League degrees will be as worthless as Bush's? Then again, what is the difference? It means they're all out of touch with the average American.

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