
Why don't people signal when they drive anymore?

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Come on people...signal




  1. I've wondered that myself.......they're too busy yapping on cell phones and doing everything else but driving.  Some others just don't want to move their hand a few inches to the turn signal much effort to do!!!

  2. Same reason they don't know how to merge, cut in front of you and then slow down, and refuse to move into the intersection when making a left turn. They think they are the only ones on the freakin' road!!!

  3. I am sometimes lax in giving an early signal on a right hand turn from the right hand lane. Wife barks at me all the time. Never have a problem with left turn signals

  4. Excellent question. Even I can't understand it. You indicate to show OTHER people your intentions so they can react appropriately, not to confirm to yourself that yes, you do indeed want to turn left now (for example). I can't understand why you wouldn't want to let other people know that you intend to change lanes/direction etc either. Everything becomes second guessing, and I hate it on roundabouts more than anything else Completely baffling, but a shame there's no answer. All you need to do is move your finger a small distance, in cars indicators even cancel themselves so you don't even have to worry about it after you've started it! could it be something so ridiculous as pure and simple bone idle laziness? Sacry thought if it is...

  5. Some people who admit to not signalling claim that it is in order to specifically avoid giving advanced notice that they are going to merge.  

    That actually makes some sense, because in many places, there are a lot of people who, if they see someone signalling to merge in front of them, will immediately floor it so as to close the gap the other driver was going to merge into.  

    Now why people do THAT...that is a mystery.

    However, that argument does not account for people who don't signal before they turn off of a road.

  6. Please don't pidgeonhole me. I always signal. Your question should be "why don't some people signal any more?" You would offend far fewer people that way.

  7. I signal.  I hate those oblivious f*cks who think they're God.

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