
Why don't people speak out against circumcision in the newspaper?

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There seems to be a lot of misinformation about circumcision. While there seems to be a trend moving toward not circumcising, you never read anything about it in the papers or on TV. Why won't the mainstream media take on this topic? It's a major issue. Why won't politicians talk about it?




  1. The same reason we created Israel - the world is run by Jews.  Also most people don't want to offend anyone.  This is unfortunate as circumcision is so barbaric and totally unnecessary.  We actually need foreskins to enjoy s*x properly:

  2. because either the general public doesn't wanna read about pen1ses while sipping their starf*cks crappuccino or they all think circumcision makes sense.

  3. There are many reasons  for the lack of media attention to infant and child male genital mutilation. One of the main reasons is that they don't want to offend the primitive desert tribes and their superstitions about it. Another reason is that it is not "cool" to campaign for male rights of any sort, there is a concept in our society that males are never "victims", even if they are only hours old. A female is "victimized" by overhearing a joke between co-workers but a male with blood dripping from his hacked p***s is not. Another reason is that males do not protect the genitals of other males, they regard all other males as rivals (to some degree even their own sons).

  4. I'm thinking that high gas prices, high food prices, ongoing wars, and two crazy people killing each other to be the Democrat's nominee, are more important than who gets their p***s cut.

  5. My theories:

    - it's about genitals and people don't like to discuss that, and sadly a lot of anti-circumcision activists get asked why they are so interested in other people's genitals (I think it's a clear human rights/gender issue though)

    - two religions see circumcising as an integral part of religion and though I feel it's disgusting that parents should be able to genitally modify their children based on the parents' religious beliefs (who knows what religion the child will end up following, and shouldn't they be allowed to practice their own religion without potential interference at birth?), sadly some people don't want to be seen as racist/anti-religious by taking a stand on the issue

    - many people don't want to be seen to offend circumcised men or parents who circumcised their sons

    There are some politicians talking about it in some countries though. The Children's Commissioner in Tasmania, Australia, has spoken out about how it should be banned for males as well as females, with Australian doctors backing that.

  6. hahah i hear ya brother, but you gotta chillax, i am not cut either and i am always researching about it too and wondering the same thing, you want the answer? here it is: no one wants to hear about penises! haha simple as that, but yeah dude, i am against circumcision too man, keep fighting the good fight!

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