
Why don't people take care of the enivornment?

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Why don't people take care of the enivornment?




  1. Indifference and lazy

  2. I take care of mine as seems best to me.  Who are you to say that I am wrong and you are right.

  3. I think most people don't care for the environment because they don't how important it is and how much impact it has on their life and the generations to come. I think if people realized what global warming would cause they would start caring and would be more "green", but there are always people who are not effected  greatly by global warming and then do not care just because they do not feel the effects and see no problem, they're ignorant.

  4. Probably the biggest reasons are that they are lazy or that it is inconvenient or too expensive for them to be Green.

  5. Because they don't care about the environmen.t

  6. Because they are selfish and inconsiderate.  They don't care about our children's legacy they wan't bigger engines that burn more fuel and create more smog and make the Arab's richer so that they can buy bombs and guns to  kill us with.  They just want to speed down the street and make a lot of noise.

  7. I'm trying to decide which site has the most self righteous people on it---this one or the religion one.

    I believe most people care about their environment.

  8. I believe that being lazy has a lot to do with it, also not to mention some people think that nothing is going to happen to this generation anytime soon so therefore they put it all on the next generation, which is really sad. People need to start getting there act together because what we do today will not affect our future, but the next futures as well.

  9. 1. they are lazy

    2. they don't know any better

    3. they are selfish

  10. cuz there money obsessed, self centered jerks

  11. Because they are selfish, and don't respect things around them.

  12. I'm only here to laugh with Catso...

  13. There is no short term incentive.

  14. Most people don't care about the environment because they do not think it is important. They do not realize that all of their modern day needs come from nature, like the clothes on their back and coffee in their mug. They like to say that they are too busy, but the truth is, they are lazy. They just figure that someone else will do it.

  15. laziness... lack of self-discipline... cost...

  16. In the U.S. we have more trees now than 1000 years ago!  This is because man replenishes and nourishes new growth trees!

    In the past forest fires would run for years, consuming forests and prairies - human beings put out forest fires!   That is another reason why we have more trees now than in our distant past!


    With all of this "green" bio-diesel fuels and ethanol added to gasoline, farmland that used to be used for growing food are now being used for bio fuels!   Food prices are on the increase!

    With all of these cars going to "Hybrid" battery power - where will these dangerous batteries go?  Batteries in these hybrid vehicles are hazardous waste!

  17. There's alot of non-caring @.$.$'s out there......let's hope they pay in the near future......

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