
Why don't people take the depression suffered by "emo" children more seriously?

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as a person that suffered depression and wanted to die through many of my teen years i think its terrible that people complain about emo kids. they are called whiny and people think its sad and funny that some may cut themselves. all i can think is that if someone is truly depressed (not the fakers that just want attention) people should do what they can to help the person. teen years are probably the toughest to deal with socially, so why shouldn't people make more of an attempt to help kids that are dealing with serious mental problems? depression is something that should be taken seriously. when teens kill themselves everyone wants to ask how they missed the signs, but when society sees depressed teens, we tell them to perk up or call them punks. why don't people take depression more seriously in "emo" kids?




  1. I agree with you 100%.

    It's sad, but my friend just cut herself just to show people. But either way, they need help, even if they do it for attention

  2. i think its become a trend to be emo so no one really knows whos really depressed or think that looking depressed is cool.  

  3. If they have a serious problem then it is serious, its the people that say "my parents make me mad" and complain and cut themselves that make it seem like a joke and ultimately make others judge the real people badly.

  4. While I do agree with the 'Some kids need real attention because they are depressed', most emo/scene kids are just looking for ways to get attention. They aren't depressed and they just whine about how much their life sucks cause their mom or dad grounded them for an F. I sit at a table of emo/scene kids and I can make most all of them laugh by just being me. Depression does not allow for laughing, faking does.

  5. Well think of it this way if you had issues would you be looking for the latest new style at Spencers and Hot topic or would you be locked up in your room for days. Emo has become to much of a social group like jocks and band geeks. You see rock stars doing the whole emo thing you see your children going out to the mall partying hanging out. You cant really suspect something wrong if they have a smile on there face. Yea some need help but usually those are the ones who dont have those big groups of friends. Or laugh so there easy to identify just hard to help them when there so distant.

  6. Wow

    I never thought about this.

    Well like I guess because people think "emo" is more of a style now.

    but there still are the "hardcore emo" kids that really take everything like cutting and my life sucks seriously.. and people probably don't really care anymore because everybody Else's life are so screwed up that they don't want to worry about the "emo" kids or the depressed kids because there life already suposly sucks enough. ?

    I dont really know this a pretty hard question

    but people probably do need to take this more seriously

    but alot of the times the "emo scene kids just want attention.. so idk...

  7. I agree with the others. "emo" has become more of a trend. I do agree tho that often teens with more serious mental health issues are over looked. I was one of those. I dressed "normal" and had "normal" hair but i was a cutter. I did not cut were anyone could see, I use to cut on my stomach. I did not do it for attention but to try to feel human again. I felt so numb all the time. My problems stayed with me into adult hood so when my family saw that it wasn't a "teen phase" they realized they should of taken it more seriously and got me help sooner. ( my family knew about the cutting..I often need to go for stiches) . Parents need to watch for  behaviors in their kids and if teens have a friend they are worried about they need to talk to their parents or a teacher.  

  8. It is mostly because of the poser emos that society will not be accepting of others. Too many ask for attention, and those that don't get lost in the crowd.  

  9. I think the main reason real Emo kids don't receive the right attention is because of all the stupid posers just looking for attention. I agree depression in Teens is a serious problem, but society just focuses on the wrong set of "emos". Usually the kids who do cut themselves dont hang out with all the poser emos because they are truly sad/depressed about something major ( bullying, divorce, etc) while all the kids ppl call emo are just pissed off that there daddy wont let them go to a Fall Out Boy concert

  10. I've a history of depression in my family as well. I too was a very unhappy and sad child. I worry about my daughter, who is 14. She is fine but the potential is there. I have been on and off meds for depression for the past decade.........I have not been on anything for over two years right now.

    The problem I will have if my daughter does suffer some depression is that my husband is VERY anti medication for anything. He would never allow her to be on meds of any kind. He is of the belief that a good diet and exercise will solve everything.........I know he is wrong and out of touch but this is his belief.

  11. Im fresh out of high school and most emo's aren't even depressed. They also ruin other images like punk and metal, cause everyone sees one as all. Most are whinny kids from middle class families who didnt get the the most expensive ipod. The kids I knew who were depressed had real problems, but unlike little ****** emo's actually did something about and got help for themselves.

    So in a simple word, if you feel sorry for them then they got what they wanted, if you pitty them they still get what they wanted. The best thing is to not pay attention at all. If someones depressed they usually tell a friend.  

  12. because all they are is attention seekers

  13. im in the same position as yoou used to be RIGHT NOW!

    i dont feel i can talk to anyone, not even my mum, because they will just laugh, or take it as a joke, and shrug it off, whilst every nigth i am planning a new way of killing myself. and i know i need help BUT there is NO ONE who i can talk to without the judgement

  14. Look, we need to keep in mind that this whole "emo" thing, which I loathe with a passion that is on par with the loathing I have towards all the rest of this so-called teen culture, is a fashion trend. That's what it is. It's another silly, superficial, meaningless, expensive, senseless fashion trend which is assigned special importance by the people who invend these sorts of things. It's not even a sub-culture, because it exists purely in the mainstream, and has no real significnce outside f its it's more like a subdivision of popular culture.

    Keep in mind, it's a mistake to equate this "emo" trend with ny sort of actual, legitimate depression that may be experienced by teengers. I mean, what is "emo"? It's a style of annoying music, it's a phenomenon that influences kids to wear ridiculous hairstyles, and, moreover, it's an attitude that can be bessed summed up by "If I act sad and mopey because nobody likes me, maybe people will like me," as well as its offshoot "If I act sad and mopey because girls don't like me, maybe girls will like me (strangely enough, the second one apparently works).

    And it's not as though these "emo" people actually have things to be mopey about...because if they were legitimately troubled by something, then they wouldn't go out of their way to act mopey. And as far as self mutilation being funny, if it's due to some sort of legitimate problem I wouldnt say it's humorous. But as far as self mutilation being elevated to the status of something that's fashionable in some circles (and it most certainly has been elevated in such a way), I would say that yes, that is funny, in a sort of cynical black humor/schadenfreude/pathos/extra black humor.

    Also, I think it's safe to say that this whole "oh no, teens are going crazy and cutting themselves left and right" mass hysteria is little more than...mass hysteria. I mean, not that it doesn't happen, and not that it isn't funny, but anything that can be classified as the sort of material that gets coverage by Barbara Walters is definitely going to get blown far out of proportion...and I'm assuming that it gets blown out of proportion in the schools too, like everything else, like that uncontrolable teen s*x that's sweeping the nation. And the big ecstacy craze that's got all the kids hooked. And did I mention devil worship? Yep, devil worship is all the rage these days.

    Seriously though, I can honestly say that I've only known one person who's ever done that sort of thing, and he's doesn't even come close to the sort of person they describe as "emo." So if the "emos" are all out killing themselves, where are the bodies? In the wine cellar?

    And, you know, I agree people should help kids who are dealing with serious mental problems, which is why we need to stop paying so much attention to these "emo" people. It may seem like the "oh, life is so depressing, bleak, bleak, angst, bleak" fashion trend would lead you reight to depressed kids, but it doesn't work like that. Just as kids who listen to Mailyn Manson aren't the antisocial degenerates who go on crazy crime sprees, people who act "emo" aren't the ones who are clinically depressed. Depressed people, for the most part, look and act more or less like anyone else. If someone's very depressed then they're definitely not going to go out of their way to look, dress and behave a certain way; to the contrary, they won't care enough to put effort into the way they look.

    And just keep in mind, whenever you hear in the evening news (if you're inclined to watch that sort of programming) about some sort of teen suicide, or something of that nature, it's never "he always acted so 'emo,' it's surprising we didn't expect it." No, to the contrary it's "he was a straight-A student, wasn't acting strange, we never saw it coming" or something along those lines.

    And as far as the bit about these "emo" people needing to kill themselves, I'd say that everyone whose lives are dominated and controlled by pop culture, social trends, mass media, and other peoples' opinions need to kill themselves. It may sound harsh, but it would make the world a better place (besides, it's not like they're actually going to do it).

    Oh, and remember, capitalization is your friend.

    Okay, that's about it for me being a jerk/realistic. I hope you had fun.

  15. There are stupid attention seekers who make "emo" and cutting a trend. That is why people laugh and pass it, becaus ethey think it isnt serious.

    A real depressed teenager would not have time to worry about what kind of clothes theyre wearing or music the listen too.

    They would not tell people that they are depressed or whine either. Most people wqho are depressed are quite and dont talk much.

  16. Because it's like saying why don't you treat all blondes as really stupid... because they are not and not all EMO kids are depressed ... it is more for fashion than anything now. So, I leave it up to all parents, close friends and teachers to observe all kids for signs of depression... not just the "emo" ones...

    You say as much as that only emo kids are the depressed ones. Don't you think the preppy/sporty/gothic kids could be depressed too.

  17. its becasue emo has become a dressing trend. It is now seen as cool to dress in the emo clothing and add some glitz and glam. There are also what you call posers who act Emo but then go and sing in Choir,or march in marching band, and very much so not depressed unitl they put on the clothing and act that way.

    yes there are people out there crying for help but anymore its hard to pick those people out.

    When i was in highschool we didnt have emo, we had Goth...are they the same?  

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