
Why don't people take their roles as parents more seriously?

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Why don't people take their roles as parents more seriously?




  1. very good question and when you find the answer let me know.

  2. maybe they don't take there role of parenting seriously because maybe there parents didn't take parenting seriously...

    hope this answer helps.....

  3. I disagree, I think most people do take their roles as parents seriously, it's just the evening news doesn't cover all the things people have done right today. :)

  4. It is not about taking it seriously, a parent has to actually care before they can take it seriously. I think that people are too into themselves and as long as the kid isn't bothering them they don't care.

  5. Because, let's face it, a lot of parents have gotten lazy.  They think that it's their new goal in life to be their child's friend instead of parent so punishment goes out the door.

    And a lot of people are selfish.  They want to live their own lives without the hassle of having children while having them at the same time, which, in and of itself is a contradiction in terms.  

    Basically people want to have children but don't want the responsibility.  I know there are parents out there that still want to raise their children properly and be good parents.  But there are so many now that don't give a c**p so long as they still look like the model parent.  I feel sorry for these kids now.  Having a poser as a parent isn't fun, it's more traumatizing in the end.  I just wish they would start doing some kind of screening process when you choose to have a kid or something, especially for these women that think it's perfectly fine to have 10 kids by 10 daddies and not even knowing if the daddies are the real ones or not.

  6. because kids are raising them ...

  7. Its funny, some parents dont do their job at all and some over do it and are too worried all the time over nothing. I often wonder why some parents are the way they are. Perhaps its circumstances or morals. I think alot of it is just either laziness or fear of whatever can go wrong. We need to strive to find somewhere in the middle.

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