
Why don't people think beyond the recycling of the tin can and clean energy to save our enviroment?

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our lifestyles alone pose the biggest threat to mankind as it does'nt matter what source of energy we invent or what amount of recycling we do .Thr planet just does not have the resources to sustain our take all lifestyles.




  1. this is a very good question . ive been trying to recycle computer towers , and you would not belive how hard it is to get people to give there broken down copmuters to you

  2. I agree that we are missing the point of going "green". I had a friend who instead of chemotherapy chose the holistic method to fight her cancer, which meant organic (real organic, not the fake "certified organic" stuff) fruits, veggies, almost no meat, her diet as far as meat consisted of raw, hormone free liver juice from either a lamb or cow. Her cancer after 4 years went into remission and she did it all free of radiation and medication!! My point is let's start with saving our bodies and our animals and fish etc. And not just the animals we eat, but our pets need to be rolling in grass free of pesticides. We can perfect hybrid cars, but if we don't start at home and try to 'make green' our own lives then we are chasing our own tails.

  3. 1st issue

    Nobody care about enviroment!!

    We all people busy about politik, family issue, jobs, notime to spend, economi, social problem. That it every one busyyyy.

    No watch documentaries. Play games. chatting. watching movies!! Soo ? Most people dont KNOW ABOUT IT.

  4. yup thats why were gonna kill our selfs (the earth).....and i think were going to change when its already to late... hope were gone before that happens

  5. I have done far more than my part to be ecologicaly sound.  As a matter of fact, I wrote an entire book on how to be ecologicaly friendly, useing what you have available to you.  All of the proceeds are going to purchase a free eco-learning farm, for people to learn, help, share and enjoy.

    The common thought is that people who live in a small area can't do more than recycle, etc., when in fact an urban dweller can do much more than a contry bumpkin.

    I live in the country, but don't have a lot of land, but it doesn't keep me from homesteading the eco-friendly way.  I buy locally, and I don't mean at Wal-mart who's practices are not eco-friendly either.  I garden organicaly using toilet paper tubes as peat pots for seeds, I recycle, compost, have a composting toilet that is indoors, use my own canvas bags to shop, make all of my cleaners, soaps, shampoo, deodorant, I use grey water and creek water to water my garden, I ride a bike everywhere that is local, I am working on getting off of the power grid, I have a wind mill, but have to go through a buch of electrical codes first, I also forage, and heat my home with a biomass stove and solar heater.  I passive condensate the home in summer for airconditioning.  I could go on forever.  

    I am realy trying to teach people that this all can be done no matter where you live, and you can get funding to do it.  I hope for the planets sake that it catches on.

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