
Why don't people understand that Free Speech does have a price?

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We do have free speech in this country. It also means people are just as free to respond to it.

In this case it may cost people thier jobs.

So don't we need to be careful in what we say or in not should we feel sorry for people when they get the reaction?

What do you say?




  1. Trying too hard to make a point or an overly passionate statement often leads to more of the same, if not worse consequences.  Its no way to win an argument or make a point but most of us are guilty of it at some time or the other.

  2. I agree

  3. Free Speach is something that we pride ourselves on but in the UK, freedom of speach is not like it use to be. We are now limited in what we can and cannot say and where we can or cannot protest.

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