
Why don't people understand that abstinence is Sarah Palin's position, NOT necessarily her daughter's?

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I see people bashing Palin over and over again for her pregnant daughter, but I can't understand why.


What is her daughter's position (who's almost a legal adult)? Who knows... who cares.

You can teach your kids whatever you want, but that doesn't mean they're going to listen.

Do you share ALL of your parents' values?




  1.   So your saying abstinence is just a catch phrase and it doesn't work but sounds good when a mom is saying it.  Maybe she should have taught birth control and she wouldn't be in this situation.

  2. i agree with u but i dont want her position to be taught in schools because its people own decision not hers to make. she also wants to be creationism down peoples face in schools and schools are suppose to be secular meaning no religion.

  3. and america's drug czar's kid is a heroin addict.

    it just looks stupid.  icould give a sh*t what the daughter does, just don't force this self righteous bs in my face when one of your own is as far as the other end of the spectrum as you preach.

  4. Thank you.  I was wondering if there was anyone out there smart enough to come up with this idea.  Most of the Palin haters are so threatened by her and her family, they can't even show good sense.

  5. It doesn't matter if her daughter believes in abstinence or not (obviously not).  If she is unable to teach her daughter abstinence, why should she be allowed to force abstinence only education on the rest of the country? It obviously does not work, and her postion is flawed.  

  6. Who cares they are both little tramps.

  7. What was she teaching her daughters by posing for naked modeling photos?

  8. Because she can't even get her own daughter to believe her values. My mom was smart enough to teach me about s*x and how to protect myself, hence I did not get pregnant. No I do not share all of my mother's views, but then again my mother isn't imposing her views on the rest of the country.

  9. As much as I dislike Palin, you do speak the truth.

  10. But if she can't run her own family how can she run a country?  Especially on views that she feels so strongly about.  She accepted the position in the public eye so every detail of her life will be analyzed and have an opinion by all.  

    We are the people and we have a right to know.  Why do you think so many people watch TMZ and read blogs?

  11. Since you mention that let's talk about Obama.

    Just because he visited a church for 20 years who happened to contain a very bouncy character doesn't not mean that Obama believes everything he says as well..

    h**l, my friend smokes weed and I've known him for a decade and never touched that ****. Does that make me a drug user or addict because I know him?

    If you disagree then you're a total typical hypocrite.

  12. I think....people do understand that. I haven't seen a lot people 'bashing' Palin about it. What are you referring to? It was breaking news because it was new information. The media seems more concerned over whether or not she was properly vetted beforehand rather than with the information that's coming out.  

  13. Do I share my parents values ?  You bet. Do I share all their opinions


    Just about all of us agree that what has happened to Bristol is

    unfortunate as far as the pregnancy is concerned but what has

    happened on stage created by her mother in particular - let us lay some blame on the fahter as well - is tragic.

  14. They'll never understand.

  15. You miss it totally. She wants to force abstinence only education on the rest of us.  It didn't work for her before she was married or with her daughter but she expects it to work for us? Get real.  

  16. I agree completely!

    People are making the assumption that Gov. Palin's daughter didn't use birth control, therefore calling it a failure of the "abstainence only" education system.  

    So by that logic, if she did use birth control and it failed, is that a failure of the safer s*x education program?

    Seriously, it's a flimsy argument based on assumptions.

  17. well, if she couldn't convince her daughter-

    how will she convince any American of anything.

    or that matter--the big FOREIGN FISHes...

    geesh--do the math.

  18. Sarah Palin' position is Anti-abortion under any case including rape and incess.

    Now, how much opinon do you think her 17 year daughter had in anything conserning her prenancy?

    No, I do not share all my parents values. They came from a differnt time and were quite prejusticed about a wide range of people.Parents are people and often themselves  incorrect.. I think for myself and have a very good set of values.I suggest you too take a look aroung, read, get an education and make your own unbiased decisions.

  19. No I don't.  My mother would be having fits right now knowing I'm excited about voting for a Republican.

  20. Your point is too obvious and rational.  You don't belong here.

    ....but I'm glad you are.

  21. I do agree with you that I do not share all my parents views nor did I do all that my parents told me to.  The problem that I have with Palin is that she infact voted against s*x education in schools.  She voted against funding for pregnant teens.  Yet now, her own teen daughter is pregnant.  She just lives in too small of a box for me.  I share some conservative view, but at the same time I believe in having an open mind.  She was closed minded when it came to others in voting for them, now she shares in the experience.

  22. I smoke........Mother never did!

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