
Why don't people understand that its the goverment for alot of blacks being poor!???

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Okay, i don't understand this at all. I have alot of black friends and they great. But alot of ignorant white people dislike black people. And their reasons are, Crime, poverty and attitude. But its not black attitude, its urban attitude. And when a white person dresses like a gangster people say he is trying to be black. But alot of people who live in the urban society wear that. Its not black style, its urban style. People say that black areas always have liquor stores. Who do you think puts the stores there? the goverment. People talk about rap and hip hop and say its bad and foul. Do you know that the majority of rap industries are run by white people?!! BET = run by white people! But when they see a black person who has broke out of the trap the goverment laid for them. they think it is strange and they are trying to be white! All races do crime. and all do about the same. in stastics blacks may do more but only because the ones who do come from poverty. and drugs. Who do you think gave them drugs???? Who do you think supplies them and teaches them how to make them? THE GOVERMENT. Do you know what happens to drugs after a drug bust. the goverment sells it back to the black communites! i don't are people believing what they see on tv and what they heard!




  1. Victim or Victor.... choose your attitude.

  2. The reason for poverty is the health of the black community. Black children are much more likely to be exposed to severe levels of lead, less likely to be breastfed, etc.

  3. Ditto, they don't have a problem with all that negative stuff we receive from the government (including sub par schools), but they can find every reason under the sky to complain about affirmative action.

    Affirmative action would not be necessary, if the schools in the minority areas were equivalent to the ones in White areas. Say what you want people, but it's the truth.

    edit: maccrew, you should let your kids go to a school in a black neighborhoood, then. You are on the outside looking's common sense. Lower education = more crime, but Blacks are not the ones funding their schools, the government is and there is a big difference in the funding of Black schools and White schools within the same school district.

  4. it's worse in africa,you know why they stay in a constant state of war over there,it's because a great percentage of the world's gold ,most of the diamonds and a lot of oil is right there for the taking. you know what separates all that wealth from the industrial military complex?

    the indigenous population thats they supply anybody that wants it,all the weapons and ammo they want.using the l.a. gang model that if you provide the weapons they'll kill each other, gang problem solved.isn't it ironic that people that can't feed their families can afford a.k.s and all the ammo they can carry. it's because they don't want to feed them they want them dead and gone so the u.n. or whoever can restore order and turn the rescorces over to multinational corpera.....wait a minute there's someone at the door.


  5. most people don't understand that the guns and drugs do come from our own government. those things can be EASILY removed from the streets, as nations like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, ect have shown, its not that hard to keep guns and drugs from getting into the country, but that's still no excuse for us indulging in the use and sales of guns and drugs.

  6. Yet again I get to hear about how all of the ills of the world are "somebody else's" fault.. How about you grow up, take responsibility for your OWN life... Earn you OWN money.and next time your life is screwed up, look in the mirror for someone to blame.  And again, I direct this to any one of any race that has he "poor me" attitude.

  7. And you know the only reason most pencils are black is because of government racism. And the entire pumpernickle bread industry is run by racist n***s who want to indoctrinate people into the idea of eating the darkies. And automobile tires are black to subliminally re-inforce the idea that blacks are intended to carry the load. Wake Up People!

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