
Why don't people understand that there are three parts of me!?

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okay so kids at my school can be cruel. i have a good amount of friends but in class one day they were asking what culture you are. i told my class that i was irish/black/cherokee indian. everyone was saying stuff like "your lying." "You are irish." people were laughing at first and thought i was joking around. but i said i was telling the truth. my dad's side is black/cherokee and my mom's side is black/irish. Now i love the irish culture and i love the indian culture and i want to learn alot more about it. I have learned black history all of my life. people tell me i just don't want to be black and stuff. but i do! it's just i am tired of only being considered black. I also have royality in my irish blood but i don't dare tell them, they might began to hate me or think i'm lying. (part of my family actually ruled alot of ireland for centuries. i was treated kinda like a king when i went to ireland. they were so nice to me!) Why can't i been seen as all these races. why just black? I just naturally don't like the urban style. People think i am denying my heritage, but black is just partially my heritage. What do i do?




  1. I had this problem when I was a kid too.

    Tell your friends about Mariah Carey. She's both Irish and African-American. Good luck...

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