
Why don't people understand why the rich recieve tax cuts?

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Why don't people understand why the rich receive tax cuts? The ten percent richest citizens in this country (Those who average over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year) already pay eighty percent of the federal taxes.

I just don't understand why people think the rich should give out large portions of their money to the federal government for social programs.

Think about it, the rich do not need these social programs because they have money to pay for privatized versions of the government provided program.

Why should the rich pay for some poor sap that needs these social services provided by the federal government? The poor sap probably screwed off his whole life and isn't making enough money to provide basic services for him self.

That isn't being self-sufficient, the rich, are self-sufficient.




  1. news flash...

    it doesnt work....

    sorry you have to give up 1 million of your 100 million warbucks...

  2. Wealthy people have many private individuals and associations helping them preserve and protect their capital.  Small business owners aside, many richly rewarded executives are connected through their family or their educational institution.  Honest performance and accountability are often absent.   Government money flows through contracts and assistance and regulation to businesses.  Government bailout of financial institutions and predatory lenders is a case in point. Wealthy people have access to elected officials more so than the poor and middle class. Government payments are in farm ,energy  and medicare legislation, etc.  Programs for the poor and middle class are cut to balance the budget.  There is favoritism in law and government regulation for the wealthy.  There are licensing and other barriers in legislation to keep-out competitors.I believe it fair to say wealthy people, government officials and businesses have kept the minimum wage rate low.  Lobbyist protect the interest of wealthy people and companies.  Poor people don't have access to resources to defend themselves.

  3. Look sir, dont ask me to explain, but lemme tell ya, if obama beomes our nex president. the taxes will be wayy higher than that to support all his social programs

  4. Here's another case of "If I can do it, anyone can..."  Hats off to your Dad for working hard and being successful, but you can't expect me to believe that favorable circumstances didn't open up doors for him at some point.  There are millions of hard working people who never get beyond working for people like your father and thus never get to pursue their goals.  So it's BS to make it sound like luck has nothing to do with it.  Not everyone was born with the talent to be financially successful, despite their desire and willingness to work around the clock.  You want to let "some poor sap" be denied social services?  What do you want them to do? There's always turning to crimes serious enough to score a few years in jail.  At least you keep warm and get fed.  You mentioned church.  Next time you go, listen carefully and you might here some really offensive things like "feed the hungry, clothe the naked and house the poor"  How can they preach such idiocy?  It's pretty difficult for a hungry, naked homeless person to be successful, but who cares?  You certainly don't.

  5. Does it make sense to more heavily tax poor people who can barely feed their families.  Most people on welfare would work if they had the chance.  If they rich had more taxes they will still remain the rich.  If I was a billionaire or whatever I'd prefer to have my money go to people less fortunate than pay for a pointless war in Iraq.

  6. Taxes aren't JUST for social services for "people who screwed up". They are for the military, infrastructure, schools, etc. I'm sure your dad drives on our roads and went to school, and understands that our military is needed to protect America and her interests. So what's the problem. I am so sick and tired of rich people complaining about having to pay 18-20% of their income to taxes, h**l I'm not rich and I pay 22.5%. Is it fair that  I pay more percent of my income in taxes than Bill Gates???? Besides most of the really, really rich people in the world and this country gained their wealth through dispicable means (buying off politicians, changing laws in their favor), and living off the sweat of others less intelligent (or just less slick). Your dad sounds like a whiny tyrant. (a little napolean complex going huh?).

  7. Civic Currency then. Citizens through photo shop recycled paper and ink designs can create personal currency and eliminate armed robbery. There is this to consider The Rich did oppose such a system even though they could make their own currency like other people. Before the system was called Communism.

  8. If their was a flat income tax their would no need for any other type of tax or tax cuts . Russia did that and now they are the riches nation around . With no debt . An no fractional banking system .

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