
Why don't pro volleyball players get sandy while playing?

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I play beach vball every weekend and from my experience I get incredibly sandy from diving and such and its very noticeable. The pros seem to never get sand on them. Is it the type of sand they use on tour or what is going on




  1. You being an amateur and not in tip top shape - you probably sweat a lot more than the pro's dude...

    Your sweating weekend warrior body hits the sand and yeah its going to stick to you until you dry off.

    Watch the pro's...they barely break a sweat unless its sunny and 100 degrees and then the sand sticks to them too. They just wipe it off and towel off on court changes and timeouts..

  2. they do sometimes and sometimes they do beacause it's the sand. if it's moist it will stick for a while. and also takes into consideration that gravity is a big factor and they moving and jumping so the sand is going to fall off!!!

  3. Well, the pro players, as was said already, train a lot more than you and don't sweat as much. They also jump in at least every volley which shakes the sand off, they also wipe it off of them while waiting for the serve or in time outs or at the end of the match. You probably can't see the sand on the pro's becxause it is on tv and you don't get to see it like its your body. But thrust me, we get very sandy when we even just have a practice, I would know, I am a pro sand vollyeyball player.

  4. they do but it comes off cuz they move around so much. I cant wait to watch beach vball in the olympics!

    Go Walsh/May-Treanor!

  5. they move around so it falls off

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