
Why don't religious people ask themselves basic religious questions?

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Like, what happened to that church Christ started when he was alive.

Or, Which teaching is right and which teaching is wrong. Since all the 10,000 churches are all saying their teachings are correct (My question is always, why are religious people so dumb when it comes to religion)




  1. Religion is an illogical party, and you need a dumb card to get in

  2. Keep BURNing in h**l (h**l being a state of being in *this* life (I believe.))

  3. I want so strongly to be accurate with the things of God and Christianity that when I was a teenager, I challenged my dad, who was and is a leader in the church I grew-up  in.  I entered his study and proclaimed in rebellion and frustration at the inconsistencies I saw in many who claimed to be Christians, "I am studying the Bible and I am going to do only what God says, if and when I find a group of people doing what the Bible says more closely than where we go now, I am going to leave and join them."  My dad looked up from his book, over his glasses and replied, "When you do, I will join you."

    This gift of freedom led me to openly study the Bible and ask questions my friends would not ask.  This lead me to the arena of religious exploration and eventually theology.  Although as a teen, I never left the church I grew-up in, I read about others, studied with other religious leaders, debated evolution from both sides, debated with friends and family, went off to college, met a great girl and settled down with a faith all my own.

    In other words, I did and do ask myself deep religious questions.  I am where I am because I spent time asking, seeking, and knocking.

  4. "What happened to that church Christ started when he was alive."

    Don't care, it's not my church.

    "Or, Which teaching is right and which teaching is wrong. Since all the 10,000 churches are all saying their teachings are correct."

    Which 10,000 churches would these be? I'm a polytheist, so I assume more than one of any given set of religions can be right.

    "My question is always, why are religious people so dumb when it comes to religion?"

    Sounds like you're limiting religious people to CHRISTIANS...maybe that's why?

  5. some dont want to repent....THE ONES TO TRUST are the mainstream TRinity churches!!

  6. Yeah, I unfortunately think that most people who do actually question things get so frustrated and disillusioned they dont look for someone who might be able to answer those questions.

    They end up like I used to be- a person who believed in God and Jesus and not much else to go with it, or atheist.  Its a sad place to be, but I always preferred to admit I didnt know anything than side with a church I couldnt agree with on all points.  

  7. Very insightful question.

    My guess is that many are afraid to ask those obvious questions and would rather continue in the dark.

    This will answer your first question in great detail:

    And it sure is an interesting question too.

  8. Religious people ask themselves all kinds of religious questions but don't have answers to many of them.  Religion is deceit to turn people away from truth, its like a path that seems straight but slowly leads away.

    Church that Christ started when he walked on earth, still exists by faith in faith, not as religion. And Christ was alive died, was resurrected and is alive today as His church. Religion is dead.

  9. Christian churches agree on the fundamentals.  It is the interpretations of details that divide the denominations.  Most Christians move beyond those.  They understand that churches are to work together not tear each other down.

    The Church Jesus founded is still alive and well and squabbling (much like the disciples that followed Him.  The Church is still made of imperfect people that He makes perfect for judgment.

    Of course, I am not a religious person (just a Christian).  Why would you ask such a silly question though?

  10. Any teaching the Lord Jesus taught are the right ones! Above all else that's what you should be learning! No other will do! You can take that to the bank!

  11. The Church He started is what is referred to as the body of Christ. All who believe in Christ are members of that church. It is not a physical, worldly church. It is a spiritual church, but also a very real church.

    EDIT: Yes. When Jesus was asked how He might prove His divine authority, He answered, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” Those whose minds were on worldly things assumed He was referring to the physical temple. Yet it is then written, “…the temple he had spoken of was his body.”

  12. Religion isnt really for people that ask questions.

  13. The church that was founded by Christ Jesus has not merely disappeared, but is still in existence. I know, I know, "why so many differences between denominations?" Well, the differences between the denominations is, for the most part, founded in disputes of secondary issues, which is a shame really. It is, however, incorrect to state that each denomination teaches something different than the message, which is the foundation of [all] Christianity and the deciding factor regarding which are Christian cults and which are truthful.

    Your question, though, being founded on lack of knowledge is the wrong question to ask.


    It is important to acknowledge, also, that you start with the notion that you are the utmost authority on the theological and ecclesiastical history of the church, which is shown as quite the contrary by your questioning. Have you done any real study into the subject and what have you studied? Also, what extensive qualifications do you have which would merit your authoritative condescension?

    Also, your question about the Roman Empire or Staples is based on a distinct change in the existence of something, which either dissipates or changes completely. You are assuming a change in the church or dissipation.

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