
Why don't religious people even know what the Priesthood is?

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Why don't religious people have no concept of what the priesthood is? That's all the bible ever talks about. Plus its just plain common sense.




  1. I don't know why we religious folks have no concept of the Priesthood.  Since it's "just plain common sense", I feel like I really should know this.  Why don't you enlighten me?

  2. No that isn't what the bible talks about and how do you know religious people don't know? I'm a Christian and I have a relationship with my Lord but I'm not a "religious" person. And yet I know the bible better than most and still I don't know enough.

  3. Because the 'reformers' abolished the New Testament priesthood, contrary to the Bible.

    In Greek, the word for elder is presbuteros. That word was transliterated into Latin as presbyter, which then in English became shortened to priest. That's why you never hear about "Catholic elders." It is because Catholic priests are Catholics elders. That's what the word "priest" means; it is simply a shortened English form of presbuteros. You can check any dictionary you want to confirm this. So obviously we can say that there is some kind of priesthood today because there are elders today.

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  4. Do you really know what a priest is?  It's more than the authority to act in god's name, that's your clue.

  5. We as a free thinking people have a right to believe what we choose to believe. Beliefs should not be dictated to another, they should be allowed to find out for themselves.  

  6. I don't think people realize its an authority. I think they just think of it as a position.

  7. I agree with the other repliers.  Please explain what you see 'the priesthood' as being, as described in the bible.  Also, would you please tell us what 'brand' of Christianity you practice?  The only religion I know of that dwells on 'priesthood' in a general sense that anyone can practice it is the Mormon church.  There is nothing wrong with that if you are Mormon, but it you are, you need to explain to us 'Gentiles' just what you are talking about.

    Each of us can be priests to each other in the concept that we can represent God to each other.  Is that what you are talking about?

  8. Go ahead and explain your concept of what the priesthood is, and let "religious people" analyze whether they agree with your concept.

    This question is too vague and generalizing to answer without elaboration.

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