
Why don't sharks like to eat humans?

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why don't sharks like to eat humans?

Are we too boney? not enough meat?

too salty tasting?

what is the reason?




  1. WE are just to big a meal for most sharks.  Actually the reason is evolution.  Those larger predatory sharks that could eat humans just have not been exposed to humans.  We humans have only recently entered the seas.  Humans have only been boating for about 20000 years.  We just dont share the sharks habitat.  So they have not encounter enough humans to know whether they are suitible prey.  You see a predator and its prey have to evolve together.  This association takes a long time.  The predator has to learn about its prey.  Cant do that when you dont share the same environment.

  2. Because we bite back!

  3. Sharks will eat anything, they just don't usually eat us because we're not their usual pray. Most people think the times we get eaten is mistaken identity and we're confused with a seal or something.

  4. I can't say for sure, but the reason I've heard is that sharks generally prefer the taste of fish over the taste of mammals. Most of the time when they bite into a human, they're also going to get a mouthful of wetsuit, and I wouldn't imagine rubber would be all that on the menu for them.

  5. Sharks aren't naturally supposed to eat humans. They eat seals but they're not that intelligent so they confuse us with seals when they spot us in the water. They take a bite but when they realize we aren't the meal they're looking for, the person is...well....dead.

  6. I disagree with what Kimberly said. Sharks are actually very intelligent creatures. Usually when people are on,say, a body board,they confuse use with seals. So they take a curious bite to make sure we actually are. Which leaves us with injuries that can sometimes kill us.

    Or, when we are in the ocean splashing around, they confuse us with an injured fish or animal.

    But to answer your question, if they were hungry enough, they would eat us. But we are not their normal pray so they usually don't.

  7. We are not technically on their diet. It has nothing do do with how we taste. Generally humans are in shallow water...sharks rarely come into shallow water unless it is to feed, and if you are swimming where sharks are known to feed that is your own careless fault. Their instincts are to eat what is on their diet.. green turtles, tuna, etc. Generally when humans are attacked they are bites from a threatened or curious shark (bull shark in particular). This is the misconception that is leading to the demise of sharks. Humans think sharks are out to get them, and it is not the case at all. Illegal poaching, deep sea fishing, and reef destruction is driving these sharks out of their normal habits and closer to our shores. As humans we are irresponsible when it comes to our oceans, and if the sharks disappear, it will have catastrophic effects on not only the oceans ecosystem, but ours as well.

  8. I think we would taste the same as anything else they eat. Plus, we're not salty compared to ocean critters.  

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