
Why don't shops turn their lights off in the windows at night? It's such a waste of energy !?

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What is the point of leaving them on? Yes you can see what is being sold in the window display but 99% of people except the early morning milkman are tucked up in bed.

With all the rage about energy conservation WHY has this not been questioned?

If shops continue to leave the lights on at night should they pay extra?




  1. it's just like when you leave your house. u must always have atleast one light on. usually it tells criminals "someone's home", besides, if someone tries to break into a store, there will be lights to identify them. is conserving energy more important then gettin you store broken into??

  2. i agree it is a total waste but it is for security. . . police driving by would be able to see the burglar (but woldn't the robber just turn off the lights???)

    its pretty stupid, and such a waste. . .

  3. for cops to look in and make sure people arnt brecking in

  4. burglary maybe

  5. I have often thought about this and I think it's great that you are concerned about this and that you are questioning it. Nothing will ever change if there is no-one to question whats there already.

    Although I understand the reasoning behind it, that so many have already pointed out, I agree with you that it is a vast and disgusting waste of energy.

    I'm not sure how many use low energy lighting? Or of any that use renewable energy sources?

    It more likely than not has been raised, but aside from the points raised by others, I read somewhere that although UK householders are urged to be more energy efficient, are threatened with penalties for excessive rubbish left for the bin man, there is no, nor any plans to, charge businesses in such a way. So I doubt that shops would be charged anymore, even if one day, the public are. Besides, if they have the money extra charges will have little effect and do nothing to reduce the effect they are having on the environment.

    It's more about educating people and showing them alternatives that mean they don't have to change too much. Unfortunately people are lazy, and most will only do 'green' if it means less effort as well as cost.

    I'm sorry I haven't really answered your question but just wanted to add my little bit. ; )

    Blessed Be.

  6. City codes require a certian number of lights be left on at all times for emergencies.  It is that simple.  Check your local city codes and you'll see what I mean.  If you have to leave them on you may as well advertise with them.

  7. Blame the nightwalkers, the burglars and sundry criminals who run around all night looking for easy places to 'hit'.

    When the lights are on, the police can see if people are wandering around inside a locked up business. And if burglars shut the lights off, they're going to attract unwanted attention.

  8. it is for security, thieves are less likely to break in if they might be seen inside. no they shouldn't have to pay extra there is plenty of energy to go around for this and more.

  9. that's a really good point...i do agree what's the point of wasting that much energy !! i think they should pay extra.....

    in that case i think they should start this policy in vegas first !!!  :))

  10. Its not about money, its about energy!! Some people are trying to do everything to save the planet, yet some are doing everything to destroy it! Wat the h**l is with you money driven red necks?

  11. Many stores that have certain lights, such as fluorescents, don't turn them off because they feel that it costs more to turn them off and on than to just leave them on.  Fluorescent lights are more expensive to buy, and their operating life is more affected by the number of times they are switched on and off, relative to incandescent lights. Therefore, it is a cost trade-off between saving energy and money by turning a light off "frequently" and having to replace the bulbs "more" frequently. This is because the reduction in usable lamp life due to frequent on/off switching will probably be greater than the benefit of extending the useful life of the bulb from reduced use. By frequent Imean turning the light off and on many times during the day.

    Also, they may have night cleaning people and watchpeople who need to have to lights on.

  12. Because scroats would burgle them.

  13. Actually the energy companies need people to have their lights on at night because you can't just switch a power station on and off at the drop of a switch.

    The power needs to go somewhere, it can't be stored.

    The whole infrastructure just isn't set up to turn off each night and turn back on each morning!

    This Earth day thing could cause a lot of problems.

  14. To show off the products when they are closed. Keeps people from looting and saves on street lighting. They pay for light and pay people to work in the shop so they can pay their bills too.

  15. In the hope that burglars would be seen and caught.

    Shop windows will still be smashed by the moron who has just had a row with his girlfriend in the pub though, and it's £150 call out just to get the window boarded up.

  16. It's unnecessary. All the shops I've worked in turned their lights off at night, so why can't the others?

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