
Why don't sleep aids work for me

by  |  earlier

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I have tried the tylenol simply sleep and alluna, they dont work for me




  1. Tylenol doesn't work for everyone, I suggest you try:

    Prescribed : Lunesta

    Over the counter: Tyelnol PM and Melatonin.

    I really like the Lunesta, if you get it do not take it unless you can have at least 8 hrs. It knocked me out for almost 10 hrs when I first started taking it. Now its all good. My mother swears by the melatonin. Which I think I may try, its more natural.

  2. you can see a doc and have them give you an Rx for some sleeping aids...or go to a drug store and buy some valerian root(an herb). I used valerian root to wean myself off of a handful of meds for anxiety and insomnia

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