
Why don't some churches allow women to be ministers?

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I have a very hard time with churches who won't allow women to be ministers. How can anyone justify it in this day and age. Why would God not allow 1/2 of his creation to serve him in this way. I know what Paul said, but can't we put this into historic context? Why can't the church evolve and grow and still serve God?




  1. Because the Catholic Church ran a centuries-long campaign against women. Men like power.

  2. Most monotheistic religions are created by men and tailored to cater to men.  This was done by the early male dominated societies to keep women from having any control.  Many of the Pagan religions held the women as sacred and they were given positions of power.  When those who wanted to crush those religions and put the women in a more subservient light, they cut women out of all religions, relegating them to lesser positions and so giving the men more control over women.  Hasn't changed much in all these many thousands of years. Wish it would though.

  3. If you put this into historic context than you mite as well put all of it there.  

  4. Afraid to be told what idiots they are?

  5. because the bible was written by WHITE MEN. That's why god is a WHITE MAN, that's why Jesus was also a WHITE MAN.

    Sexist much?

  6. God, dose not allow it according to scriptures in the bibble. You want to make god mad/sad?

  7. This day and age is falling away from the ways of God. The churches you are talking about are trying to stay true and be obedient to Gods word.

  8. Because they are blind to the truth that a woman can not preach.

  9. Christian women have no desire to tell men what to do.


  10. For Christians, it stems from a belief that women are somehow morally or spiritually weaker than men (because Eve was deceived by Satan and persuaded Adam to disobey God with her) or that they have the power to tempt men and so are dangerous.  It's ridiculous, but there it is.

    Some Christian faiths might also hold that having female priests smacks of paganism; I'm not on as solid ground, claiming that.

    Catholicism still retains the habit of not permitting women into the priesthood.  It is one of my greatest disagreements with Catholic doctrine, and it is one of the reasons why I have stepped away from Catholicism, even though I consider it to be a very beautiful faith when practiced in a balanced way--as with any faith.

  11. Because God said so. It is part of Scripture and so that's the way it is. He created man to be "over" woman. It's tough, but as women we just have to accept that. Just because we can't be ministers doesn't mean that we can't serve God. there are lots of things we can do to serve God by not being ministers.

    about Paul: The beautiful, perfect thing about the Bible is that over the thousands of years it has existed, it does not change. at least not with huge jumps. and really, nothing's new under the sun. What Paul said 2000 years ago still applies today, which is great. The chucrch doesn't need to evolve because there's nothing new about receiving salvation today than way back along time ago.  

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