
Why don't some people realize that spoiling your child does more harm than good?

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Why don't some people realize that spoiling your child does more harm than good?




  1. They are lazy. They do what suits them, not their children.

    Children need rules and boundaries. They need to be told no. It's not mean. It's how life really is. It shows the children that the adults care and are trying to teach them.

    These parents pay the price later with entitlement issues, temper tantrums, destructive behaviors, anti-social behavior, etc. I am seeing it all myself. Fortunately, one parent kind of gets it but he was seriously deprived as a child so he wants to give his children more than what he had. He has deformed feet because of his parents. He also has teeth and gum problems as a result of his parents.

  2. Some parents give in because it is easier than saying NO and putting up with the child's tantrum.

  3. My parents spoil me like heck and I've turned out just fine.

  4. You're talking to the queen of spoiling kids. I just didn't know any better, and they were my "babies". I wanted them to have everything that they wanted. Well, they did and they are brats now. Actually, they are really good people...ages 22, 18 and 16, but they still don't get the word no. If I knew then what I know now!

  5. temporary solution. to bad its a problem thats going to occur day after day.

  6. Because they are uneducated, and ignorant people/parents. It's a huge problem, and is a p**s poor excuse for  "parenting".  Overindulgence is seen everywhere, and it's disgusting. Half the time the parents doing it are on the verge of bankruptcy and miserable in life, because they have 0 self control. Suck to be them...or to be their kids. Money can't buy love. Neither can any other form of overindulgence.

  7. I think that many parents don't realize they are spoiling their children until it's too late.  Children are such a joy and we love seeing them happy so much, that it's hard REALLY hard not to indulge in getting them the material things that put a smile on their face, or lavishing them with hugs and kisses.  

    Then, when they get older and expect it and we don't deliver, the attitude starts because what was once the norm to them is no longer the case, we've pulled the rug out from under them.  

    As much as you love your child, it's important to remember that spoiling is ok in moderation.

  8. i so agree with that. my cousin is spoiled beyond belief not only do her parents not have the money for some of the stuff they do she's also a brat. and when i watch her (most of the time, its crazzy hard to get her to do anything like homwork, go to sleep go to school)ect

    my mom  buys me whatever i want to make up for her not being around me but its her only way of being affectionate to me. but i never let that get to my head i have never asked for anything and i try not to axsept things. but thats me.


  10. because they feel guilty.

    maybe they didn't get much when they were younger and want their kids to have what they didn't.

    thats how i would feel..but i told myself a long time ago i would teach them how to stand on their own two feet & earn what they have.

  11. There are a lot of things that causes harm. I do not think that a lot of love and attention(spoiling) Is all that bad these days.

  12. cause people just want to give their kids everything they didn't have. I don't agree with spoiling either

  13. it's not easy to be a parent, especially if you dont know how and why kids are like they are! Parents get caught up in "i hate you"s and "you're mean", etc. Some parents can't stand it. Really, i think it should be a law that when a couple gets pregnant, that they need to take a human develpoment n child development class. So parents understand the different stages of children's lives and why they behave the way they do. It is complex, i practicly lived in the child development n human development labs in high school.  How many parents out there truly understand equilibrium and disequilibrum, when it comes to their children's minds. I'm not trying to judge, i wouldnt know if i hadn't had the drive to be a teacher, my parents would never have suggested "why dont you take the child/human development completer"

    Its not like someone wants to spoil, i guess is what i'm saying. All children are different and need to be guided (raised) in different ways. Yet parents are not familiar with all the differnt ways to direct their child positively.

  14. Sometimes it's guilt for not being there for their kids or what not, other times its to give the child what the parent  never had, then it can also be just to keep the child quiet, then it can also be a way of venting their love toward the child..............

  15. Cause they want their kids to have everything they want, they are kids once, so they want them to have everything, so when they do their tantrum they can *shut them* by giving them everything.. But I really dont believe in spoiling. Cuz if you spoil your child later on they will have trouble living because they will find out that they cant have everything

  16. Because usually when parents spoil their children they are trying to alleviate some form of guilt like leaving junior in day care while mom is working. I completely agree that it does more harm than good. If kids don't learn to work for things they will never truly appreciate what they have. If people don't stop spoiling their kids we are going to have a generation of self absorbed brats who think they should be the CEO the day they start their first job.

  17. Because they don't understand that the most loving thing you can give your child is your time, not a tonne of shiny plastic toys.

    They spoil their children because they want their kids to love them, and think they're fantastic parents.  Complete rubbish, as a child will respect a parent who sits with them, plays games with them and listens to them than all the toys in the world.

  18. If we all lived within our means rather than beyond it, our nation would not be in the financial trouble that we are in today.

    "Buying things" beyond what we can afford just seems to be the norm for many.

  19. They learn eventually, my boyfriends son is spoiled and  now he is starting to break the law

  20. Because it's a simple fix for that moment. Giving in to your child's crying or begging, will make things better for that time frame, but just teaches them that bad habit. It's basically taking the easy way out.

  21. maybe they was spoil growing up too and they dont know the difference. its going to hard for that person later on in life.

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