
Why don't stores have parking lots on all sides of the store -- instead of just 1?

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How come big stores (like Target & Wal-Mart) have 1 main entrance, and they force everybody to park in front of the store. Why don't they have entrances on 3 sides and deliveries in the back? That way people wouldn't have to park so far away.




  1. Wal-Mart, in Kingston, New York, has parking everywhere a customer can can park their car, Kingston Wal-Mart,has more than one entrance/exit. Move to Kingston.

  2. Security is inherent in the design of the stores.  If you funnel the patrons through one entry and exit, it is far easier to monitor.

  3. To minimize the need for secruity

  4. Well, sometimes there are stores on either side of that particular store, so there cant be an entrance. Also, it builds up the security risk of people stealing something if theres more than 1 entrance. Finally, it just costs more money.

    Hope i helped =]

  5. Why not walk? Most people in our country is so dependent on sitting on their butt in a car they could use the extra walk.

    Thought I would throw that out there since everyone else covered the bases.

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